When loading the 6.0 version from disc,  to win98 the Driver File is  empty. 
The program will not open.
Unable to copy the file to the Windows Drivers as suggested in the help  file 
because it isnt available.
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sun Jan 16 14:17:27 2005
Date: Sun Jan 16 14:22:56 2005
Subject: [Dx4win] subscribe

Jaime Vallvey
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sun Jan 16 17:47:24 2005
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (ARS NZ3O (Byron) FM29fx)
Date: Sun Jan 16 17:52:26 2005
Subject: [Dx4win] QSL printing question
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Let me know if you still need help.  I suspect I use the same
cards, and although DX4WIN isn't real intuitive in this area, I
was able to accomplish this without too much waste.

It might take a bit for me to find the version of the file that
works, since I had to "back it out" to get back to labels.

73, Byron
At 04:01 AM 1/16/2005, Charles Fulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>OK I just subscribed to this reflector.. and have been printing 30/page
>labels for years using DX4WIN..
>I want to print on the QSL cards.. but so far. I can get 20 QSOS on 1
>card..but every time I print a card..my printer spits
>out 2 blanks then prints another.. been playing with paper size for days
>and NADA..
>are you printing on individual QSLS.. or trying to.. and can you make it
>work.. my cards are BLANK on the back..
>Will continue to search the archives..but your post was first to mention
>printing directly on cards.

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