A quick download, and v6.04 is up and running.

Checking it out now, looks pretty familiar.  I wonder what changed (besides
the obvious).

I do wish that this program supported the Elecraft K2, especially this rig's
very useful serial-port
"streaming CW" function.  There are now nearly 5,000 K2 rigs out there.
That's more than the total of several other DX4WIN supported radios -

Since DX4WIN already sports a CW terminal function, and already connects to
the radio's serial port ... well, I'm not a programmer, but it seems like it
wouldn't be much of a stretch to add this clever and valuable feature.

Perhaps in a future revision ... for now, the subset of functionality
offered by the "Kenwood 850" setting will suffice.

73  Steve KZ1X/4

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