It's 6.04 and somehow I got it to work. 

Unfortunately, there's another series of errors I need to correct. 

1. Satellite QSOs -- in the BAND field, there's a wild variation: 


and there may be other combinations. 

Is there an ADIF editor where I can specify which fields to change and
what to change them to?  

I have LOTS of satellite QSOs and the notion of manually changing/editing
all of them is horrendous. I started last night, but feel I'll never get
it right (or complete it, for that matter). 

Thanks in advance,

Eric W3DQ
Washington, DC 

---- Original message ----
>Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 06:48:39 -0500
>From: Jim Reisert AD1C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>Subject: Re: [Dx4win] LoTW Upload Tagging Questions  
>To: Eric Rosenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, DX4Win Reflector
>At 12:37 AM 3/23/2005, Eric Rosenberg wrote:
>>I exported my entire DX4Win log file (9002 QSOs) to an ADIF file and then 
>>uploaded it as a TQ8 file to LoTW
>>I then went back to DX4Win, set a date filter that covered the entire log 
>>to mark as uploaded.  DX4Win only tagged 85xx QSO's (I forget the exact 
>>What did I do wrong?  I did *not* set the group filter, only the date
>What version of DX4WIN?  There were bugs in 6.03, but fixed in 6.04.
>73 - Jim AD1C
>Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
>USA +978-251-9933, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wed Mar 23 11:48:02 2005
Date: Wed Mar 23 15:59:48 2005
Subject: [Dx4win] CW Keying

I have started haveing trouble with my CW keying. Everything was working ok but 
I guess Murphy struck.

My rig is a FT-920 & I am keying through Comm 1 to a Rig Blaster Pro. It works 
just fine with Write Log. But No matter how I have the settings in DX4WIN. It 
will key the side tone but will not transmit. But If I have the MOX button 
pushed it will tansmit.

Any help appreciated


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