7.01?  Latest shown on the web site is 6.04.  Have I missed something?

73, Pete N4ZR
DX4WIN customer #1 (really, not that it matters)

At 08:25 AM 5/23/2005, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
>At 10:50 AM 5/22/2005, Bill Lewis wrote:
>>Hello and thanks in advance.
>>I just upgraded from 5.03 to 7.01.... all works fine except:
>>I have made many DXCC submissions using 5.03.   With 5.03, each time I 
>>made a submission the program remembered what had been credited 
>>previously and only included the records I had individually marked for 
>>submission in the QSO window.
>>Now when I try to make a submission using 7.01 it seems to start fresh 
>>and include hundreds of QSOs for which I have already been credited.
>>I am missing a setting or something?
>Hi Bill,
>A few of things to try:
>1.  Copy your 5.03 log to your 7.01 directory and open it.  Search for a 
>QSO you know you have already submitted.  Use F5 on the QSO window until 
>you can see the award flags at the bottom.  Is this QSO marked SUBMITTED 
>or APPROVED?  It should be.
>2.  Remember that after you receive award credits from the ARRL, you must 
>change the Submitted flags to Approved.  From the QSO window, Reports -> 
>Change Award Flags
>3.  DX4WIN will try to submit QSOs for every DXCC award that you have 
>checked off in your preferences, even if you have less than 100 
>confirmations.  It may be trying to re-submit QSLs you have already sent 
>in order to get the band/mode confirmation for these QSOs.  Go to 
>Preferences and the DXCC tab.  Check off ONLY the boxes you have active 
>DXCC awards on.  Save the preferences, then try the DXCC submission again.
>73 - Jim AD1C
>Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
>USA +978-251-9933, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.ad1c.us
>Dx4win mailing list

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