
The program will print QSOs that have been flagged for printing. 
In the QSO window, this field is marked as Label.

You can clear this field for all QSOs: QSO Window | Labels | Clear print flags.


At 08:59 AM 9/29/2005, Andy Hewitt wrote:
>I have been a DX4win user for at least ten years but I have only just got
>around to trying to print qsl labels. In the course of setting up I was
>advised that it would print out the labels for 410 cards. As I have only
>just set one QSO so for a label I was very surprised! Maybe the programme is
>looking at some of the qso's that have not been qsl'd or something like
>that. Could somebody tell me how to get out of this? I only want to print
>labels fro qso's from Yesterday onward. Can this be set up?
>73 and thanks
>Andy G3SVD
>Dx4win mailing list

Paul van der Eijk (KK4HD)

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