I think this may be directed to Paul, but perhaps someone else has an idea
for me to use.

Somehow my log file has entries for QSO submissions in the Mixed, CW and SSB
DX categories for many of the contacts -- about 500 as a matter of fact. So
far I have never submitted any cards for DXCC and none of these flags should
be set. I can only conclude that some 'stupid' thing I did in the past set
these flags.

The question now is how to set them to '---' or null. I find that I can do
it by filtering for the settings and then setting each QSO in the filtered
group to '---' one contact at a time. I would like to know if there is a
faster way to do the same thing that I have not thought of yet.

Anyone have any ideas?

Tod, K?TO

Trauma Teaches --- but it doesn't have to be your trauma!

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