I have noticed some stuttering and hesitation when using WIN's message 
buffers for CW and RTTY.  Messages being played out are sometimes 
delayed for a second or two before starting or messages are being broken 
up or hesitating when playing out.  This is quite annoying, of course, 
in a contest situation and leads to repeats being called for.  This 
problem was mentioned sometime back and prior to release 7.03 but I 
don't think there was a definitive answer given.  It seems to me that 
WIN or Windows XP might be giving priority to other tasks but when a 
message is being played out that task should have relatively high 
priority.  I realize there might be better choices for a contesting 
logging program but when WIN is used for contesting in a less serious 
way surely there must be a way to stop all of the hesitation and 
stuttering.  Is there a solution?

Jerry  N8BM

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