Thanks to both Jim, AD1C and Larry, K8UT for pointing me in the proper 
direction.  I wasn't sure if using Labels -> Mark for QSL would be the path 
to go but that's apparently it.  I'll play around with it now to see how it 
works. Thanks guys!

73, Joe KQ3F

At 10:42 PM 3/10/2007 -0500, Larry Gauthier \(K8UT\) wrote:
>The answer to your question is Yes, there is a way that DX4WIN can assist 
>you in locating those new DXCC entities (and also for WAS). It requires 
>multiple steps -- but only takes about 5 minutes and is a whole lot better 
>than crawling through every contest QSO and looking at the Country window...
>1. Back-up or make a copy of your log in case you completely mess things 
>up ;-)
>2. Use the filter command to examine your log for an unused QSL method 
>that will be your search mechanism. I determined that I had no QSOs marked 
>with the "$$$$" QSL method - so this is the one I would employ in the 
>following steps.
>1. Select Labels -> "Mark for QSL"
>2. In the "Mark QSOs for QSL" dialogue window, set the <Award> = "DXCC"
>3. Set the <Mode> method to "$$$$" (leave other Methods blank)
>4. Leave the <Weeks> = "0" [my experience shows that Weeks do not work!]
>5. Set "Only QSOs after mm/dd/yyyy" to the date preceding the contest. 
>Click <ok>
>6. A dialogue window will display the number of affected QSOs. [= new DXCC 
>entities worked in the contest!]
>DO NOT press the <Save> button at this point - you might not want to Save 
>the changes you made to your log!
>To see the QSOs DX4WIN has identified as new DXCC prefixes:
>1. Select Filter -> Search (or press <F8>)
>2. Filter on: Label = "Y", Method = "$$$$", press <Enter>
>3. Select Window -> Logbook
>You are now staring at the list of QSOs with the new prefixes. 
>Modify/set/QSL/print labels/etc as you see fit.
>If this worked the way you wanted, press the <Save> button. If it did not, 
>close the log without saving. This technique has worked for me after 
>several contests. Thanks to Jim Reisert for pointing me in the right direction.
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Joe Stepansky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <>
>Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 17:42
>Subject: [Dx4win] Search for unconfirmed prefixes
>>I always work some new prefixes in DX contests.  Right now it looks as 
>>though I have to go through the log manually, keeping an eye on the 
>>prefix window, to determine whether or not I've confirmed the prefix on a 
>>particular mode.  This isn't normally a problem, but when you work 1000+ 
>>QSOs in a weekend it can get time consuming.
>>Is there a way I can ask DX4Win to go through, say, my ARRL DX CW test 
>>QSOs and tell me which of those QSOs have callsign prefixes that I 
>>haven't yet confirmed on CW?  I've read a number of the questions 
>>regarding filtering but am not sure any of them pertain to this situation.
>>73, Joe KQ3F
>>Dx4win mailing list

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