Hi, Ernie.

You didn't say what version of D4W you were running, but the only 
time I've had strange label printing like yours was when the QSOs 
were logged in different Groups and I chose not to have the groups 
printed on the labels.  D4W would still insist on printing the 
different Group QSOs on different labels.

This doesn't sound as random as your problem, but it might be a place 
to start looking.

73, Dick

At 08:20 PM 10/28/2007, Ernie Walls wrote:
 >Hi everyone.
 >I have a bug somewhere in my label printing set up.
 >When I go to print a label with, say, three QSOs, I cannot always get
 >DX4Win to accomplish the task.
 >As often as not, it will print out one QSO on one label. And, of course,
 >take three labels, and ostensibly three QSL cards, out of the system. Or
 >it will print two QSOs on one label, and one on the next. But not the
 >three QSOs on the same label.
 >Then, at a later time (and having closed DX4Win, and sometimes my
 >computer, down in the meantime) I will try the same exercise again, on
 >the self same QSOs, and all is well; that is, the three QSOs get printed
 >on the same label.
 >This same behaviour occurs over and over, completely randomly, and has
 >done for several years.
 >I have tried many, many combinations of changes to try to overcome the
 >problem, including complete downloads of software, etc etc but to no
 >Is anyone else suffering this problem, or is it only me.
 >I can/do get around the issue, if absolutely necessary, by exporting
 >relevant QSOs out of DX4Win into another program, where I print the
 >label perfectly every time, and life goes on.
 >But, ideally, DX4Win should do this - shouldn't it?
 >Can anyone out there offer advice?
 >Ernie Walls VK3FM
 >Dx4win mailing list
Dick Flanagan K7VC NV SM

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