
I have no argument with what you say except that new countries being added
is such a rare occurrence that it should not be seen as a major problem. The
process that is available, while difficult to use, works just fine if you
follow the steps. Sure it could be streamlined - that would be welcomed.


Bob W5OV

-----Original Message-----
From: Louis Dietrich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 8:31 AM
To: 'Robert Naumann'; 'REFLECTOR dx4win'
Subject: RE: [Dx4win] i am the happier user of DX4WIN

DX4WIN group....

I am normally quiet on this group...but the "add country thread" as gotten
my juices flowing a bit!...I've been a user since the beginning and have
upgraded every time it has been offered...even if those upgrades have been
little more than cosmetic....so I've paid my dues to speak!...

DX4WIN is a great program and very stable...which is probably the most
important attribute a program can have...but...

1. It is still missing workable rig files...long after rigs have been in the
field...when I first got my new rig, I found Paul to be very helpful...he
worked long and hard and spent many hours on the phone working through Yaesu
unique CAT problems....maybe those with sub-par rig files can contact him to
work through the issues....DX4WIN usually lags behind the other logging
programs...users and Paul need to be proactively engaged to keep the program

2. The Country file update problem shouldn't be!....Paul should write an
easy to use sub-program which will allow even the most Novice DX4WIN user to
update countries, IOTAs, etc....this is a "must" for Paul to work on!....

3. The LOTW export and import functions are cumbersome, at best. It is not
even a separate routine...and is listed under "Labels"...LOTW is no longer
an after thought....it is here to stay...And there is no easy way to see
what submissions are "hard card" related versus LOTW confirmed...and DX4WIN
doesn't support "eQSL" (yuck!)....Take a look at DXLabs and see how an easy
to use and efficient routine should be...Paul, attention is required....

4. DX4WIN doesn't easily (or not at all!) integrate with other utility
programs such as DX Atlas or HamCap....

5. Thank Goodness for Jim! AD1C ...his DX4WIN add-ons are invaluable and his
untiring support is the only reason I am staying with DX4WIN....there are
plenty of other logging/ tracking programs available....some free...which do
more than DX4WIN and are easier to use....but Jim's proactive support is
making it a difficult decision to leave...but we should *have* to rely on
Jim for every day issues like country adds....

While I fully understand that this program is not the only job that the
developers have...and that ongoing support is not a profitable business...it
is important to the users that this program is at least on par with the
other offerings available...and that requires some dedicated developer
support time....I am sure everyone has their "beefs"...so maybe Paul can
give us a link where we can air them...and he can tell us if they are
fixable...and when....

I am not trying to stir the pot here...just trying to make our venerable
DX4WIN more user friendly and germane.....to ignore user problems by
claiming to be a "happy user" does little, in my opinion, to help
matters...there *are* issues that need to be addressed....

73 es HNY....

Lou N2TU


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Robert Naumann
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 8:44 AM
To: 'REFLECTOR dx4win'
Subject: RE: [Dx4win] i am the happier user of DX4WIN

Kostas and I have found two paths to happiness with DX4win. His is to have
all of his unique call assignments added to the AD1C updates, mine is to
never update my country file from the one I have built over the years with
my unique assignments in it.

Same result -> no problems.

Let's face it, the way to add a new country in Dx4win is a very strange one
indeed. But, new countries come along so rarely that it should not be that
difficult to follow the strange process every so often.


Bob W5OV

-----Original Message-----
From: Kostas SV1DPI [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 11:47 PM
To: REFLECTOR dx4win
Subject: [Dx4win] i am the happier user of DX4WIN

I believe the strongest point of dx4win is this what you are talking about. 
We write a call and we all have the right country and the right zone. I am 
tha cq checker in Greece and a friend was asking me what is this zone 2, 
never worked. I asked his log because i was sure he has worked the zone as 
he participates in contests very often and dx4win found 2-3 stations worked.

He used logger. Also same results with other programs. What is the more 
important from a logging program. These two: 1. Keep the log right  2. shows

the right country file.
You say that your log is not right because a call xxx is not mapped or my 
manager is not in there.
i have solved this sometime ago. I have written in relfector also and i 
asked everyone to do the same. Sent your country files to Jim AD1C. He will 
have them included in next release and you have not worried abt your dxcc 
totals. I write every mngr i want to add in a piece of paper and send them 
to Jim also. Why you don't do the same?
I hadn't ever a problem with the log.
Kostas sv1dpi
PS1: I agree there is a need for a utility or something like that to help 
anyone with a problem with his counties, even i hadn't any problem (probably

lucky or good computer practice). And of course was a problem this damned 
bug for eveyone because this way is not served the reason 1 but this is the 
way every bug works... But at least we must make everything we can to keep 
our log ok and the way i described is the right one.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Mellinger WA0SXV" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <dx4win@mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 5:25 AM
Subject: RE: [Dx4win] Unhappy with DX4WIN

> Yes, the file is corrupt.  DUH.
> If you have country mappings that aren't in the official country file, 
> they
> get screwed up every time you update the country file.
> The hard drive is not only perfect -- it is shadowed -- instantaneous 
> copy.
> It is also scanned daily and backed up daily.  I can tell you precisely 
> when
> the data went to pieces -- it was when I added FJ per the instructions on
> here.  Unfortunately the instructions were written before the bug was
> discovered.
> And my hard drive has nothing to do with the design that does not keep the
> log file intact in and of itself.  Any time the integrity of the log 
> depends
> on the integrity of multiple other files you are set up for problems.
> As for the lost states -- look in the archives.  There is a bug in the new
> country entry that messes it up.
> 73
> Mike WA0SXV
> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Robert Naumann
> Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 17:25
> To: dx4win@mailman.qth.net
> Subject: RE: [Dx4win] Unhappy with DX4WIN
> Mike,
> It sounds like you may have a file corruption problem.
> I have never seen any of the errors you are reporting in well over 10 
> years
> of using DX4win - since version 1.12. When you add a new country, no DXCC
> counts ever change - unless you have qsos with that country after the 
> start
> date of the country. For example, when I added FJ, no qso I had ever made
> counted for that country, so nothing changed. I suppose that it is also
> possible that you may not have added FJ in properly which could cause
> problems.
> Check your hard drive for problems. It's not DX4win.
> 73,
> Bob W5OV
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