Several have asked for the solution so hear goes. Credit to David, G4RQI for 
getting me headed down this path.

It appears you do not get the option to specify a COM port in the MMTTY plug-in 
being used with DX4WIN.  David suggested I setup the MMTTY program itself 
(outside of DX4WIN), specifying my PTT COM port on the TX tab of the setup 
options and on the MISC tab set the TX port to COM-Txd(FSK).  Make sure MMTTY 
works perfectly by itself and then try to use it from DX4WIN.  

Now, back to DX4WIN MMTTY.  Make sure you do not specify the COM port for PTT 
here. You will get an error like "Port already in use" if you do.  To check 
this: From the DX4WIN MMTTY window press CONTROL S and the window to set the 
PTT port comes up.  I set mine to PTT CONTROL and RTS and the error stopped. 

After doing that, my FSK RTTY using COM1 for data and PTT is working fine. 
73 - Tom, W2EQ 


I am having difficulty getting FSK RTTY to work with DX4WIN ver. 7.04.   Every 
other program I have is no problem to set up, just DX4WIN is the problem.  My 
PC to radio interface is setup to use COM1.  Data on the DATA line and keying 
with RTS.  I'm keying just fine but not getting any data.  In all the config 
screens, I just don't see where to make this setting.  Any help is appreciated. 

Thanks - Tom - W2EQ
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