Jim, I like your tongue-in-cheek query!  

Really, everyone has slightly different ways of preparing to QSL.  Some do
it right away, some infrequently, some use a service, others use a
combination of ARRL Outgoing service and direct.  I am of the latter, and I
don't QSL very frequently.  When I do, I want to make sure that I have the
best address possible, particularly for the direct ones; now each overseas
QSL costs me over $3.00.

I start by searching for Label="Y" and Method="Direct".  When I hit F3 in
the CALL field, I get a window that is the result of searching the

1. QRZ! on my disk
2. ON6DP Manager List
3. World-wide IBM Hams list
4. Current GO-List
By inspecting the above, I can (usually) make a quick determination of the
best route.  I trust the GOLIST most and they will supply a route too.
Whatever route I select, I highlight it and copy it (Ctrl-C or right-click
and use the options there) to the clipboard. For mailing direct to a call, I
put the station's call in the Manager field. If the QSO Manager call is
right, I just click in the QSO Manager field and use Ctrl-E to bring up the
manager address.  If the address is right, I close the box and go on.  If
not, I highlight the incorrect address, and paste in the correct one
(Ctrl-V).  Sometimes I have to shorten the name or address fields to fit
properly on labels.  Then I save the address, and go on to the next call
using PF10.  Sometimes I change a direct routing to Bureau or Other.

It sounds complicated, but QSLing is an art, not a science!  And, it goes
quickly once you've started.

I use a special .BAT file in the EXTDATA folder to call a free program
called QGREP.  That program searches the ON6DP and IBM Hams lists, or any
other lists you have, and makes the output available for display.  Send me
an Email if you want a copy of the .BAT file.

John, K2CIB

-----Original Message-----
I have a bunch of QSOs with USA stations and are marked for labels (QSL
method = Direct).  There is nothing in the "QSL Manager" box for any of
those QSOs.

How do I make DX4WIN print both the QSO *and* the address labels together
for all those QSOs (which it can look up from the local RAC callbook

Thanks & 73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C/Ø, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.ad1c.us

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