Hello Dick and all the fellows...

Help.? I've read and re-read the User's Guide and I've diddled all
theparameters I could to get two QSOs (with same station) on one QSL
label.? I've also searched the Archives without success.? Can anyone tell
me how to trigger it?

I've tried MAX QSO at 0, 1 and 2, but I get the exact same results - separate labels for each QSO.

I use 25.4x70 mm labels (A4 sheets with 11x3 labels, APLI 01270) and I get 3 QSO per label. My setup is as follows:

Label name:          Custom1
Units:               mm
Label width:         70.00
Label height:        25.40
Nr across:           3
Nr down:             11
Horz pitch:          70.00
Vert pitch:          25.40
Paper size:          A4
Spacing left:        0.00
Spacing top:         8.50
Horz shift:          3.00
Vert shift:          0.50
Max QSOs:            0
Portrait:            checked
Callsign font:       Andale Mono (normal, size 12)
Body font:           Arial (normal, size 8)
Commercial:          unchecked
Use lines:           checked
Call right aligned:  unchecked

Remember that, if you have two QSOs with the same station, one already confirmed and the other still unconfirmed, Dx4win will print two labels, one with "Thanks QSL" and the other with "Please QSL".

I hope this will be useful...

73 de Isidro, EA8NQ
E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (remove the _ )

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