Occasionally, the listed manager for a station is no longer correct.
Usually, merely replacing the callsign in the QSL Mgr. box in the QSO
window suffices. But I have had several instances where the QSL manager
entry will not "take"--when saving changes, the old callsign reappears.
This seems particularly likely when there are multiple QSO's with the
same station. Then, some of the QSO's may accept the change, and some
not. I cannot seem to break this loop
At the moment, I am trying to re-QSL VQ9LA, direct for four out of seven
QSO's. DX4WIN had it right but RAC and GoWin had later entries
suggesting Larry's home QTH in Missouri. Larry's QRZ.com entry, however,
and Larry himself, state otherwise. I want to print new labels,
including manager addresses, but am having a helluva time trying to do so.
Is this a bug, or is there a solution out there?
Garry, NI6T
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