Andy, I'm very confused by your description.

First, have you read this application note, from beginning to end?

This is the process in a nutshell:

- from DX4WIN, export for LoTW
- using TQSL, sign the ADIF file to create a .TQ8 file
- at the ARRL LoTW web site, upload the .TQ8 file
- from the ARRL LoTW web site, download your lotwreport.adi file
- back in DX4WIN, import the lotwreport.adi file as ADIF, using the
"imported QSO sets upload confirmed" option

That's all described in the application note.

When you download your lotwreport.adi file from ARRL, there could be
QSOs in there that you previously downloaded.  For example, say I
download QSOs from LoTW on June 23.  The next time I download from
LoTW (say, July 4), the pre-filled start date will be June 23.  Thus,
any QSOs that were confirmed on that date (note this is not the QSO
date, but the date that the LoTW system determined there was a match)
will show up again in the new lotwreport.adi file.  Upon import,
DX4WIN will report that those QSOs are already confirmed.  It's just a
warning, no duplicates are created anywhere.

Does this make sense after reading the application note?

Now if you changed the pre-filled start date to June 24 when you
downloaded from LoTW the second time, but there were system matches on
June 23 that were not in the previous download (i.e. they happened
after your June 23 download), you won't get those QSOs in the
lotwreport.adi file.  I.e. you will be missing LoTW confirmations in
your DX4WIN log.

This doesn't address the issue of the QSO count differences, but I
don't worry about it myself.

73 - Jim AD1C

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 11:25 AM, Andy Hewitt<> wrote:
> Well guys,
> I don't know what to make of it. None of these 27 QSOs could have been
> uploaded before. Nothing show about duplicate records on LoTW  "Your
> Account/Your Activity" tab. There it just shows an upload of 27 QSOs with 6
> QSLs. Below is a copy of the Activity report. It is only when I try to
> upload the QSLs that DX4Win informs me that the download has been aborted
> because A7/M0FGA is a dupe. I deleted that QSO from my log (keeping the
> details to add it back in later) and it then told me that SV1JSQ is a dupe.
> So where is the dupe - in LoTW or DX4Win? 22 of these QSOs are only from the
> past few weeks, the other 5 were not in my DX4Win log before so added them
> when I found that I had paper QSLs for them.
> Does this glitch mean that from now on I'm going to have discrepancies
> whenever I upload my log and then download QSLs?
> Is there any way to get back to a clean position so that future uploads etc
> are clean?
> Messages:
> 2009-07-08 19:39:03 LOTW_QSO: Processing file: msg-5102-1.tq8
> 2009-07-08 19:39:03 LOTW_QSO: User file: lotw10 Jul09.tq8
> 2009-07-08 19:39:03 LOTW_QSO: Certificate found for G3SVD - ENGLAND (223)
> 2009-07-08 19:39:03 LOTW_QSO: WARNING in STATION record field IOTA: IOTA
> value "EU005" treated as "EU-005"
> 2009-07-08 19:39:04 LOTW_QSO: QSO record QSLs a contact
> 2009-07-08 19:39:04 LOTW_QSO:    QSO: G3SVD GI4OWA 1992-05-10 16:34:00Z 6M
> 2009-07-08 19:39:04 LOTW_QSO: QSO record QSLs a contact
> 2009-07-08 19:39:04 LOTW_QSO:    QSO: G3SVD WP3UX 2009-06-13 13:26:21Z 6M
> 2009-07-08 19:39:05 LOTW_QSO: QSO record QSLs a contact
> 2009-07-08 19:39:05 LOTW_QSO:    QSO: G3SVD WP2B 2009-06-13 14:50:48Z 6M CW
> 2009-07-08 19:39:05 LOTW_QSO: QSO record QSLs a contact
> 2009-07-08 19:39:05 LOTW_QSO:    QSO: G3SVD AL7TC 2009-06-16 05:33:44Z 20M
> 2009-07-08 19:39:05 LOTW_QSO: QSO record QSLs a contact
> 2009-07-08 19:39:05 LOTW_QSO:    QSO: G3SVD SV1JSQ 2009-06-17 16:44:53Z 6M
> 2009-07-08 19:39:06 LOTW_QSO: QSO record QSLs a contact
> 2009-07-08 19:39:06 LOTW_QSO:    QSO: G3SVD A7/M0FGA 2009-06-19 16:05:58Z 6M
> CW
> 2009-07-08 19:39:06 LOTW_QSO: Successfully processed 27 QSO records in
> 3.300582 seconds
> 2009-07-08 19:39:06 LOTW_QSO: 6 QSL records entered
> 2009-07-08 19:39:06 LOTW_QSO: No errors encountered
> 73
> Andy G3SVD

Jim Reisert AD1C, <>,
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