This was not the solution:
Go to File>Awards and check in the WAS tab the modes you use. Probably 
are unchecked.

In File>Awards>WAS Tab:
1.    In the Mode Group all four modes are checked
2.    In the Awards all three awards are checked
3.    In the Valid Modes all fifty modes are checked including FT8.
4.    In the Valid Bands 30M is checked along with others.
5.    In the Award Bands 30M is checked along with others
6.    No dates are entered in the Start Dates Confirmation boxes and never have 

Need help.


Bud W3LL

Message: 4
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2018 21:45:48 +0300
From: kostas sv1dpi <>
Subject: Re: [Dx4win] WAS Not Showing All States Worked
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Go to File>Awards and check in the WAS tab the modes you use. Probably 
are unchecked.

73 Kostas SV1DPI

???? 12/9/2018 21:22, ? Bud Governale, W3LL ??????:
> I noticed my 30M WAS count was low.
> Reports>WAS>Summary. Band, Mode, Mixed, All modes, All Bands selected.
> Summary shows 1 Worked and 3 Confirmed on 30M.
> Reports>WAS>Listing shows the same as the Summary.
> So I worked many states on 30M over the past few days on FT8
> using WSJT-X with JTAlert.
> I take the JTAlert log.adi and run it thru ADIFLOOKUP.
> This utility uses QRZ.COM to wash thru all the logged contacts thru QRZ.COM 
> database, adding the missing info such as name, address, State, County, 
> Country etc etc.
> I then take the ADI output from ADIFLOOKUP and import it into DX4WIN.
> Been doing this for at least the past 10 years. The utility is worth its 
> weight in gold, especially for 1,000+ weekend contests.
> I then looked at the last 10 entries from the log in the QSO window.
> The info was all there including State and County etc.
> I then selected the last contact in the log.
> W3IH. The QSO window shows:
> State NM
> County Sierra
> I did this check for about the last 20 contacts in the log worked on 30M.
> When I look in
> Reports>WAS>Summary. Band, Mode, Mixed, All modes, All Bands selected
> The Summary STILL shows 1 Worked and 3 Confirmed on 30M.
> Reports>WAS>Listing shows STILL the same as the Summary.
> I looked at the .ADI file that was imported and all the info was there.
> That?s why the QSO window has all the info in it for State, County etc.
> Why is
> Reports>WAS>Summary. Band, Mode, Mixed, All modes, All Bands selected
> and
> Reports>WAS>Listing
> NOT being updated?
> 73,
> Bud W3LL
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