Sain juuri vastauksen WOR 710:ltä (alla). V/s kertoo aseman 
testanneen digitaalilähetyksiä, jonka vuoksi kaistanlevys on 
kapeampi ja kuuluvuus täälläpäin parempi. Mutta onko kenelläkään 
tietoa AM-asemien siirtymisestä (steereo)digitaalilähetyksiin? 
Ensimmäiset radiot tulevat kuulema markkinoille tänä kesänä.  
Jäävätkö jenkit kohta vain muistoksi menneiltä vuosilta ja 
tasaataajuuksilla kuulemme vain kohinaa?
Utelee. JHY
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Send reply to:          "Kerry Richards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:              Thu, 30 Jan 2003 08:28:13 -0500

Yes, you have in fact DX 'd WOR-AM.

For the past several months we have been testing a new Digital
 transmission scheme by Ibiquity. This has reduced our analog 
bandwidth to 5khz, therefore we are much louder on the dial and 
now get out farther, which ends up helping far away listeners like 
yourself.We frequently get reports from the UK and as far away as 
Russia. This is due to the WOR directional antenna, which pushes 
about 250kw ERP, into the Atlantic Ocean and beyond. Our 
antenna is designed to cover the US eastern seaboard, and your 
reception is a by-product of the design of our antenna.         
With the internet, DX'ing is now becoming almost a thing of the past, 
and with the US getting into an In Band On Channel (IBOC) digita
 transmission scheme for AM broadcasters, you may have even more
 difficulty getting a lot of US stations. Right now we are not operating
 this system at night but we expect IBOC will eventually be on at night
. There are digital carriers on each side of the analog signal, and 
sound like white noise, and presently go off at sunset and on at 
sunrise NY local time. Time will tell on this one. 

The new HD radio's will be out here in the US this summer, we are
 excited about it because it allows us to deliver a stereo digital signal
 to our listeners. The new radios we have tested make WOR sound like FM.
You can keep in touch via our website, thanks for
 your interest in WOR.

Kerry Richards    
Chief Engineer
Buckley Broadcasting Corporation

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