Hi all,
Never be too sure!
The Arabic speaking station on 1584 kHz, heard after Country Radio, Praha close down around 18.00 is Radio Tigris, no doubt. Anybody out there who knows more about this new (?) station? Programming is very alike the VOA stations Farda and Sawa, so maybe they try to match the audience down there? I have a great recording of their identification.
73 from Björn Fransson, on the island of Gotland, Sweden

From: "Zacharias Liangas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "bjorn fransson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] UNID Arab 1584
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2003 22:25:00 +0200

HAve you kept a  recording?

UNIDENTIFIED. Hi Mauno and HCDX, Now I am quite sure about
identity of the Arabic speaking station I happened to listen
to on
1584 kHz. Started today (Feb 4th) at 1900 UT with many IDs:
Radio Secret" and talked about, as I presume, Iraq. Very good
tonight. I listened also before 1900 and there was an
station playing pop music, ending with "Dream" at 1858 and
went off! Two minutes later the Radio Secret started with the
strength, so maybe it's the same. Yesterday Radio Studio X
was very
strong and mostly dominating over the Arab. I have very good
recordings of the ID, but can't make audio clips,
unfortunately. So,
now remains an address to write to! 73 from (Björn Fransson
on the
island of Gotland, Sweden, Feb 4, hard-core-dx via DXLD)

On 3 Feb 2003 at 20:37, you  wrote:

Hi out there, especially Nordic DX-ers,
Tonight (Feb 3rd) I heard an Arabic station on 1584 kHz between 18.45 and
20.30 UTC, playing "oriental" music and identifying in Arabic. It sounded
like a test programme with many announcements about "kHz" and like that. ID
sounded like: "Radio Ciklin" or similar. Stress on last "i". Please help!
73 from Björn Fransson on the island of Gotland, Sweden

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