** AUSTRALIA. Unlike normal G-VG reception, RA inaudible on 9560, 9580 and 
9590, March 8 at 1327; it was OK on 6020. Weaker signals were there on 9585, 
9595, not to mention CRI/Habana 9570 with its blobby mess. 

RA was also absent from 31m 24 hours earlier, so I am beginning to wonder if 
these transmitters are off the air, or the nightside TP MUF is unusually low. 
Strongest to weakest normally: 9580, 9590, 9560. Maintenance at Shepparton, or 
new schedule? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. 15400, Chinese at 1358 March 8, no doubt HCJB as scheduled until 
1430, 340 degrees. Then went to 15340 for their Urdu service at 307 degrees, 
and could only hear the het it makes with Morocco 15341. 1431 recheck, het and 
15341 gone already, but only weak signal on 15340, too much Martí 15330 splash 

** CHINA. Firedrake March 8 at 1331, poor with flutter on 8400 and 9000. This 
pair had not been heard for a couple of weeks (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CHINA [non]. 6115, CRI via CANADA, UT Monday March 8 at 0630 with Frontline 
show, convoluted tale of someone who sat outside staring at someone`s door all 
day, scaring the person inside who was aware of this thru a peephole. Could not 
stay awake for the resolution, but seems like odd programming (Glenn Hauser, 

** ETHIOPIA [non]. 15195, March 8 at 1607 good with Horn of Africa music 
including singer; 1612 announcement and now I notice there is also DRM-like 
noise on frequency, axually Ethiopian jamming of EOTC Holy Synod Radio, the 
clandestine which broadcasts Mondays only at 16-17 via Samara, RUSSIA site, per 
Aoki, and also reported by Wolfgang Büschel March 1 with such noise jamming 

** GOA. 15175, March 8 at 1516 with fluttery open carrier, no doubt AIR 
Gujurati via Panaji supposed to start at 1515 we have logged a couple times 
recently, but where`s the modulation this time? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** INDONESIA. 9680.0, RRI Jakarta at 1326 March 8 with gamelan. Someone was 
wondering if this transmitter is off-frequency like VOI 9525v/9526v, but I have 
never heard an audible het on 9680, and now confirmed as matching a MW station, 
Louisiana? on 1680 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [non]. 15410, surprised to find no signal from R. Farda, March 8 at 
1358 but it was good with news at 1430. First tune-by may have been during 
transmission break switching from Lampertheim 100 kW to Skelton 300 kW site at 
1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KURDISTAN [non]. Wolfgang Büschel reported to DXLD and in BC-DX:
``Belgian police have raided sites in Brussels, Antwerp and other cities as 
part of an international investigation into connections with a Kurdish 
separatist group, the PKK. Turkey applauds arrests.

11530 kHz channel of Denge Mezopotamya from UKRAINE Mykolaiv Luch
Posad-pokrovskote shortwave site is silent this morning March 5th.``

Sergei S. also found 11530 and night frequency 7540 missing March 4-5, but 
11530 was back weakly on March 6. Voice of Mesopotamia is run by Roj TV, and on 
SW is brokered by TDP. A couple of background stories:


I checked 11530 on March 8: at 1332 I could tell it was there under WYFR 
Portuguese which runs until 1345. Then fluttery but in the clear at 1345 in 
Kurdish with phone rings and calls, pauses. At 1408 in music, 1417 Kurdish rap 
vying with TDP 15760 [see U S A [non]] to be the hippest, ha2. 1427 back to 
more traditional music.

I sure hope Ludo Maes of TDP, a very nice fellow when you meet him, does not 
get ensnared into this terrorist investigation by associating with such shady 
characters (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MOROCCO. Seems RTM is taking longer than 4 minutes to change from 15341 to 
15345, as previously timed. March 8 at 1358, het with 15340 which happens when 
HCJB Australia is propagating; but no het at 1431, so 15341 apparently off the 
air already. At 1517, 15345 was audible with whine but otherwise just barely 
modulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OMAN. 15140, R. Sultanate of Oman inaudible around 1430 March 8 when has 
English news; as often happens, frustratingly improves after 1500 when in 
Arabic, e.g. March 8 at 1530 fair with Qur`an (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** PERU. 18057.9, third harmonic of R. Victoria, Lima, OAX4Q, 3 kW on 6019.3, 
weakly audible at 1441 March 8 in Spanish; 1504 better than usual with wacky 
wailer David Miranda, so I also look for second and fourth harmonics. No, 
nothing on 24077.2 but locally hi noise around there; and nothing on 12038.6 
except CODAR. Could be that its harmonicization favors odd numbers, i.e. fifth 
at 30096.5 but we`ll need a bit more MUF before that possiblizes. Keep those 
other frequencies in mind; or if anyone ever hears anything on them, searching 
DXLD will lead right here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 9840, VOR in English to NAm, March 8 at 0615, has co-channel 
interference in Russian also producing a fast SAH, i.e.:

R.  Rossii via Moskva-Taldom     site, at 05-08, 250 kW, 260 degrees;
VOR via Petropavlovsk/Kamchatka site, at 04-07, 250 kW, 70 degrees,

per Aoki and HFCC. You might not think the two would collide in CNAm, but you 
would be wrong (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 17485, Brother Scare via GERMANY is usually weakish 
but clear, but March 8 at 1513 accompanied by CW transmission on 17481 
requiring off-tuning hi from 17485 on wide filter. Did not spend enough time to 
catch a DE (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. Another Monday, another Sephardic broadcast from REE, 1425-1455 on 
15385: March 8 at 1447, narration with piano accompaniment, then next segment 
``España Hoy`` introed by classical guitar. 1453 sign-off announcement faded 
during the fourth digit, so could not be positive she still says 15325 instead 
of 15385, but did notice she attributes that frequency to ``16 metros``! Also 
said 0115 to South America would be on 11795, 0415 to North America on 9650; 
both UT Tuesdays. Off 1455* after fanfare (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** SUDAN [non]. 17700 is alleged by DX Mix News, Bulgaria to be Southern Sudan 
Interactive Radio Instruxion, via ASCENSION, starting at 1600, but March 8 at 
1603 in Arabic, habari, jingles, 1604 clear ID pronounced in English as ``Sudan 
Radio Service``, and again less than a minute later, also frequently mentioning 
just Sudan. 

So we would be justified in thinking 17700 is really SRS and not SSIRI. 
However, it is still never // 17745 SRS via PORTUGAL; and possibly SSIRI takes 
news from sister station SRS with IDs from the latter? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** TURKEY [and non]. 12035, VOT English March 8 at 1338, weak signal but sounds 
like sufficient modulation for a change; badly bothered by ChiCom jamming vs 
VOA Chinese via Saipan on 12040 during this hour only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A [non]. 7575, March 8 at 1258, VOA English announcing frequencies to be 
audible in following hour, but underneath stronger open carrier also causing 
SAH, the weaker cutting off incomplete at 1259 for OC only until 1300 start 
next hour of VOA English.

Yet another unnecessary site handoff, i.e. SRI LANKA, 250 kW 33 degrees, over 
to TINIAN, 250 kW, 279 degrees. Anyhow, reception was much better here after 
1300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Surprised to hear Ask WWCR, Monday March 8 at 1345 as I tuned across 
15825; the current edition 310 already heard starting with how they had not 
missed any airtime during all the snowstorms, sometimes requiring personnel to 
spend the night on the premises. 

The Ask WWCR page http://www.wwcr.com/ask-wwcr.html claims this show has only 
two airtimes, the invariable 8:45 pm Saturday on 5070, and the first and fifth 
Mondays: ``1/5 Monday 7:30AM 1130 WWCR-1 15.825`` ?? That 4-hour-difference 
time conversion is for EDT, not even CDT and not current CST, so what UT did 
they really mean? The 8:45 pm entry is also misconverted as 0045 UTC.

The full pdf program schedule dated 1 March instead shows Ask WWCR every week 
on all these, UT:
Sunday 0245 5070
Sunday 1045 4840
Monday 1345 15825

** U S A. Have heard nothing official from WTWW Lebanon TN, but seems its only 
programming continues to be Pastor Pete Peters, // WWCR-4. Since I was 
searching 18+ MHz for more exotic harmonix anyway, paused at 18960 for a weak 
signal, which occasionally surged to recognizable PPP, i.e. 2 x 9480. Could be 
receiver overload, but fundamental is so strong cannot detect fading there, 
maybe verging on reaching harmonic thresholds (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 17920v, spurblob at 1603 March 8, accompanied by its much stronger 
fundamental, 17775 KVOH which had just opened with Spanish preaching (Glenn 

UNIDENTIFIED [non]. 15760 AM, something new March 8 at 1353, disco music, 
``Boogie Oogie Oogie`` followed by many other selexions, always seguéd not 
missing a beat, except 1401 ID as ``The Disco Palace`` and ``On Broadway`` 
which is not exactly disco, but jazzed up version with Stevie Wonder. 1412 
sounds like Michael Jackson. Signal is good but with some deep fades, 
especially 1430. 1442 with jazzed up Beethoven`s Fifth. 1500 still going, 1501 
another minute-late TOH ID, as ``The Disco Palace``, and #1 song in the UK; 
what year, I wonder? A bit later ``Mamma Mia``. 1513 ``I Feel Love``, Donna 
Summer, I think. 1530 still going but weaker. 1554 ``Hear the Music . . . in 
The Disco Palace``. 1601 ``The best disco music --- The Disco Palace``.

The Disco Palace has been reported before as a DRM-only station which started 
transmissions a few weeks ago, Feb 10 per Aoki, via GUIANA FRENCH at 20-21 on 
17750-17760. Now we get to hear it on AM, whee!

Strangely enough, this Miami dancehall shares initials with Transmitter 
Documentation Project which is enamored of similar music for its DRM 
broadcasts, one of which precedes the other TDP on 17755, and the Belgian 
broker is responsible for the new TDP broadcasts too.

But that`s not all. Right next to 15760-AM there appeared a stronger DRM blob 
15740-15745-15750, first noticed at 1445, and it too ran past 1600. Could this 
be coincidental? We think not. In fact, Sean Gilbert in UK was monitoring that 
DRM as The Disco Palace, but did not mention the AM. 

DRM 15745 is via Bonaire, a one-day(?) test toward Europe, as in the latest DX 
Mix News, which also does not mention AM 15760, so is it Bonaire too? --- 

``1300-1830 15745 BON 100 kW / 080 deg WeEu, test on Monday March 8``

There was also a Media Network blog entry about this dated March 5 saying the 
DRM test March 8 would be at 1300-1825 but again no mention of an accompanying 
AM transmission on 15760; probably a good idea if they want to reach more than 
a dozen listeners.

I asked Andy Sennitt, and just got the answer from him, so both are BONAIRE:

Hi Andy, DRM on air right now. As a test the signal is also on air in AM on 
15760 kHz. 250 kW at azimuth 80 degrees. Regards JP [Jan Peter Werkman, RNW] 

UNIDENTIFIED. 15804-SSB, 2-way Spanish, March 8 at 1519, discussing catching a 
corrida, frequently mentioning quantities in kilos. Both sides heard, one 
somewhat stronger than the other. Presumably narco-traffickers airborne or 
seaborne. Or submarineborne? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 17840, Monday March 8 at 1438, an electronic music loop like a 
VTC interval signal, but not the same music we have heard before. Nothing 
scheduled here except Lisboa on weekends only. 

Surprised to find at next check 1455 that 17840 was carrying R. Nederland in 
Brazilian Portuguese, a language banned from SW years ago. 1500 timesignal and 
switch to RN Spanish news; 1511 ending news and opening ``Podio Europeo de 
Jazz`` DJ the non- or de-retired Alfonso Montealegre, which continued for the 
rest of the hour. 

Next2 check at 1602, 17840 bore a signal too weak, not sure if same 
transmitter, but at 1619 better with classical music, 1630 fading out. Probably 
some kind of test, but whence? Bonaire again like DRM 15745? 

See also UNIDENTIFIED 15760. None of this appears on the RNW schedule 
which has not been updated since 28 January (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

UNIDENTIFIED. 18387-, slightly below frequency, 2-way SSB in Chinese or 
similar, March 8 at 1526 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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