----------- South Florida - Brasil- Australia - Bolivia ----------

3250 Honduras, Radio Luz y Vida, San Luis 1128 excellent signal, 1120 with English/ Espanol service . 4052.5 GTM excellent at same time. 1 November [Wilkner]

3279.953 Ecuador La Voz del Napo, Tena 0300 with ID as LVdN then sudden off 0308 in mid sentence.. 1 November [Wilkner]

3329.514 Peru Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco 1035 excellent music with om dj, 2 November. 1000 good signal on 4 November and 5 November [Wilkner]

3375.34 Brasil Radio Municipal São Gabriel da Cachoeira, 2250 to 2300 with improving signal 2 November [Wilkner]

4045u Caribbean Wx 1100 report and check in from ship off, Cuban, Isle of Pines 1 November [Wilkner]

4052.5 Guatemala, Radio Verdad 0300 - 0310 Minister with sermon on "Bread of Life", full English ID as "Radio Truth" with US address for reports. 1 November. Noted every day since [Wilkner / XM Cedar Key]

4760t. Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Port Blair 1130 fading in with subcontinental tentative. Watching each morning local [Wilkner / XM -Cedar Key]

4787.78 t. Bolivia, Radioemisora Balliván noted 1040 on 5 November, 2300 on 6 November, 2250, 8 November. too weak for meaningful details, also 10 November at 2327 [Wilkner]

4780 Djibouti, Radio Djibouti, Doraleh 0315 noted on 1 November and subsequent [Wilkner /XM Cedar Key]

4781.796 carrier noted 1040 on 5 November [Wilkner]

4795.87 Bolivia, Radio Lipez, Uyuni 0316 tradition Bolivian Music, good signal 1 November, also 1030 on 1 Nov. [Wilkner]

4814.95 Ecuador, Radio El Buen Pastor,Saraguro Loma Loja good signal 0025 on 5 November [Wilkner]

4826.7 Peru, ??, carrier noted 1115 on 3 November [Wilkner]

4828 Zimbabwe, VOZ 0320 with some audio 7 November [XM Cedar Key]

4985 Brasil, Radio Brasil Central, Goainia 2250 with excellent signal, always seems strong 3 November [Wilkner / XM Cedar Key]

4986.355 Peru, Radio Manantial, Huancayo at 1105 with music and om, fading out on 3 November..seems irregular. [Wilkner/XM-Cedar Key] 2340 on 4 November [Wilkner]

5459.72 Peru, Radio Bolivar Cd. Bolivar 1105 noted with music, fading out 2 November, 2340 on 4 November [Wilkner]

5921.222 Peru, Radio Bethel 1030 noted, co channel splash 3 November [Wilkner]

5952.518 Bolivia, Pio XII, Siglo Veinte, 1028 yl and om en espanol, 1 November. [Wilkner]

5954.22 Radio Republica, 0022 with full ID en espanol... "libertad..Radio Republica..." 5 November [Wilkner]

6173.959 Peru, Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco 1030 to 1040 weak signal on 3 November [Wilkner]
Robert Wilkner
Pompano Beach, Florida, US
NRD 535D- Icom 746Pro - Drake R8 - Sony 2010 XA-
Noise Reducing Antenna - 60 meterband dipole-

15476 LRA-36, 1215, presumed with threshold carrier, centered on this frequency. Unfortunately, only detectable in sideband-- not strong enough to pull any audio. Many other stations on 19 tonight, though mostly Asians and a few North Africans. 5 Nov. (David Sharp, NSW Australia: FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, ICF-2010, ICF-SW7600GR, Timewave 599zx, MW-550P, etc.)


15345.15 RAE, 2059, interval signal to 2100, fanfare, multi-lingual ID's, into German px. 5 Nov. (David Sharp, NSW Australia: FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, ICF-2010, ICF-SW7600GR, Timewave 599zx, MW-550P, etc.)


7206 LSB Noted two ham operators (both with VK prefixes) on this freq at 0620, while bandscanning. One person on this freq, I might think it was in error. But two having a rag chew, it's obviously intentional. 1 Nov. (David Sharp, NSW Australia: FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, ICF-2010, ICF-SW7600GR, Timewave 599zx, MW-550P, etc.)


6134.806 R. Santa Cruz, 0913, convenient ID by a woman at t/in, then talk by a man with "onda corta" and second ID. Then promo for upcoming news bulletin, mensajes, and eventually into huaynos. About the strongest I have ever heard them, at S9+40dB. So good, I just left them on as "background music" for awhile. 4 Nov. (David Sharp, NSW Australia: FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, ICF-2010, ICF-SW7600GR, Timewave 599zx, MW-550P, etc.)


9564.937 Super Radio Deus e Amor, 0725, fair with sermon by Portuegese man. Thanks Seager tip. 6 Nov. (David Sharp, NSW Australia: FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, ICF-2010, ICF-SW7600GR, Timewave 599zx, MW-550P, etc.)

11780 Radio Nacional Amazonia, 2100, Portuegese, announcements by man with heavy reverb, into news or similar. Weak and fluttery. 6 Nov. (David Sharp, NSW)


4899.98 Radio Familia, 2030, very weak, mostly carrier only, with brief bits of talk by a man in French on peaks. 5 Nov. (David Sharp, NSW Australia: FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, ICF-2010, ICF-SW7600GR, Timewave 599zx, MW-550P, etc.)


7289.883 RRI Nabire, 0922, on well-past 0830v s/off with nice local vocals and scant talk by male announcer. 1 Nov. (David Sharp, NSW Australia: FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, ICF-2010, ICF-SW7600GR, Timewave 599zx, MW-550P, etc.)


6973 Galei Tzahal, 2020, good with pop music and two ladies in-studio, taking calls from male listeners. Usually hampered by OHR but in the clear today. 5 Nov. (David Sharp, NSW Australia: FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, ICF-2010, ICF-SW7600GR, Timewave 599zx, MW-550P, etc.)


5010 USB Radio Madagascar, 2030, on well-past listed 1900 s/off with great local music and male announcer. Running only USB at this time, not carrier+ USB. 6 Nov. (David Sharp, NSW Australia: FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, ICF-2010, ICF-SW7600GR, Timewave 599zx, MW-550P, etc.)


6184.99 Radio Educacion, 0740, program of traditional Mexican ballads, carted ID by man, into 1950's era Spanish music and eventually into classical, after 0800. 6 Nov. (David Sharp, NSW Australia: FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, ICF-2010, ICF-SW7600GR, Timewave 599zx, MW-550P, etc.)


15140 Radio Sultanate of Oman, 1435, English, news by a man, ID, into easy-listening pop music (including "The Power of Love"). Weak and fluttery signal. 5 Nov. (David Sharp, NSW Australia: FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, ICF-2010, ICF-SW7600GR, Timewave 599zx, MW-550P, etc.)


9479/9480 Interesting "collision" of two religious broadcasters here. Noted as a HUGE het at 2045. Then, went into sideband and noticed WYFR- 9480 (site?), 100% readable if I used USB. The other station, on 9479, was 100% readable in LSB. That station had a program "Scriptures for America" but never gave an ID at show close, just went to open carrier. Have to wonder if one freq was a punch-up error? 5 Nov. (David Sharp, NSW Australia: FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, ICF-2010, ICF-SW7600GR, Timewave 599zx, MW-550P, etc.)


4747.96 Huanta Dos Mil, 1050, good with huaynos and upbeat male DJ. Holding its own against 4750 slop. 5 Nov. (David Sharp, NSW Australia: FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, ICF-2010, ICF-SW7600GR, Timewave 599zx, MW-550P, etc.)

4774.98 Radio Tarma, 1041, Spanish, t/in to comments by man, then into huaynos. Modulation a bit low. Also bothered by sporadic UTE. 5 Nov. (David Sharp, NSW)

5039.19 Radio Libertad, 1020, fair with huaynos. Normally in the clear at this hour but today, had to use LSB with La Habana on high side. 5 Nov. (David Sharp, NSW)

6173.91 Radio Tawantinsuyo, 1000, fair with Spanish talk (news?) by man, local time check. Had to use LSB to escape powerhouse China on high side. 5 Nov. (David Sharp, NSW)

9720.03 Radio Victoria, 0907, usual long-winded sermon by man, weak but clear. 4 Nov. (david Sharp, NSW.)


4750 Dunamis Shortwave, 1825, noted in passing with English sermon. Fair. 5 Nov. (David Sharp, NSW Australia: FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, ICF-2010, ICF-SW7600GR, Timewave 599zx, MW-550P, etc.)
4451, Bolivia, R. Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma. November, 06 2321-2328 male in Spanish talks. Unreadable, 25222 (lob-B).

5010, Madagascar, R. Madagasikara, Antananarivo. November, 06 2330-2345 native African style music selections, maybe with Malagasy lyrics, short canned female announcements on music. Some saturation in audio, earlier than usual, 35433 (lob-B).

3945, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. November, 07 0755-0806 male in English talks “united nations..short wave..Australia”, Pacific music. 34433, (lob-B).

7245, R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott. November, 07 0812-0820 Arabic music, male in Arabic announcements on music, back music. 35433, (lob-B).

9710, R. Australia, Shepparton. November, 07 0822-0831 male and female talks in Pidgin, short music as a bridge to female “Australia”. 24432, (lob-B). 9635, R. Mali, Bamako. November, 03 0804-0812 male in Vernacular talks, "Mali". 25432, (lob-B).

3945, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. November, 03 0813-0823 male and female in English talks; 25322. November, 04 0812-0822 female in English talks segment, music with reggae beat, female announcements, English Pop music. 25222, (lob-B).

4990, Suriname, R. Apintie, Paramaribo. November, 05 0723-0733 English romantic, Joe Coker music. 25322, (lob-B).

4986, Peru, R. Manantial, Huancayo (presumed). November, 01 0018-0050 latin genres selections like Rumba, Romantic, Bolero and Cuban music, male talks in Spanish. Some het (from what?), Brasilian 4985 was off, 23322 (lob-B).

4990, Suriname, R. Apintie, Paramaribo. November, 01 0830-0836 slow music with slight religious style. At 0836 Brasilian 4985 sign on covering Apintie, 25332 (lob-B).

5020, Solomon Islands BC, Honiara. November, 01 0837-0845 Pop music, male in English talks. Unreadable, splash QRM of Brasilian 5035, 32432; November, 02 0810-0824 English talks by male and female "investigated and arrested..complex investigation.Program tonight..Honiara..Solomon Islands", canned male on music. From 0821 signal started to decline, at peak 33333, (lob-B).

7245, R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott. November, 02 0825-0835 male in Arabic talks, Arabic Pop music, back male, female segment. 25332, (lob-B).

11945, R. Australia, Shepparton. November, 02 0836-0849 male and female talks "Australia", outside. So far, best signal of R. Australia frequencies in this time period, 33433 (lob-B).

5010, India, AIR Thiruvananthapuram, Chennai. October, 31 0019-0029 Hindi (listed) choral music with slight Arabic style, male and female short talks, Hindu style music, back male talks. Statics, 25332 (lob-B).

4950, R. Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos. October, 31 0546-0606 African music selections, male in Portuguse "Angola, 35 anos de independência; Repubica de Angola, 35 anos", "R. Nacional de Angola", time pips on top of the hour, news program "serviço de utilidade pública da R.N.A.". Static, 35333 (lob-B).

9720, Peru, R. Victória, Lima. October, 31 0645-0655 infamous preacher David Miranda in Portunhol (crossing of Spanish X Portuguese) "ó Cristo de la glória", male announcements, ID by male on 5th Symphony. //6020, at peak 35322 (lob-B).

3945, Japan, R. Nikkei 2, Chiba-Nagara. October, 31 0826-0845 non stop soft Pop, Romantic music selections seemingly always same female singer in English. By some het, Vanuatu must be underneath weak, 25332 (lob-B).

Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec - Embu SP Brasil - Sony SW40 - Dipole 18m, 32m, Longwire 22m.
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