Orfeus, Pietari on voimakas. Qazvin 1125,015 kHz alkaa nousta ja pari muutakin kantista, ylä- ja alapuolella. 2011 tammikuussa kun kuulin SLBC:tä, se oli ,012 kHz. Nyt ehkä ,007? Olisko Simolla tai Jyrkillä parempi sauma Pietarin suhteen? Taidetaan olla liian keväässä.

73, Mauno

1.3.2012 9:31, Jim Solatie kirjoitti:
Joskus näinkin päin ;)
Mauno, Tarmo, Jyrki, Jouni, Martti, Simo ja kaikki muutkin, joilla on mahdollisuus ja osaamista kuunnella aasialaisia: pystyttekö kokeilemaan taajuutta 1125 kHz? Tosin tuo kellonaika (1330-1430 utc) voi kohta olla jo vähän lian aikaista. Jos saatte aseman kuuluviin, niin Kennethin meiliosoite on muotoa: edwardkenneth miukumauku hotmail.com
----- Original Message -----
*From: Kenneth Edward*
*Sent:* Thursday, March 01, 2012 9:11 AM
*Subject:* From India

Dear Jim,
This come to you from FEBA Radio Bangalore. I have been told by the SLBC that you have heard the programmes broadcasted by the SLBC transmitters located at Puttalam using frequency on1125 KHz at Finland sometime around 1500 UTC. We also have our broadcasts through this frequency everyday between 1330 to 1430 UTC. We will be very encouraged to hear any feedbacks from you about our transmissions. Please could you drop me a line about our broadcast reception during that time in your place. I will be very thankful for your kind report. Although the language may not be familiar to you, any feedback about the reception quality will be very much appreciated.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kenneth Edward
FEBA Radio,
Bangalore, India
PS : I am currently at the Trincomalee station with the SLBC and DW engineers and was encouraged to hear your report.

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