Toisaalta aika epämääräinen toimija kuten Andy Lawendel kirjoittaa:

As Paolo says, Ignacio, this strange transmission is purportedly originated by a sofar unknown "Associazione Italcable", which can be reached through the provided link. Not much is known about these guys, but that they should be located in an area close to Viareggio, in Tuscany. As it happens with the team behind the IBF "revival" broadcasts, Italcable (no relations whatsoever with the ancient public radiotelephony company) also maintains the Minstry has "authorized" their tests. Apart from that, there's nothing really "official" and above all no real time or frequency "standard". The official IBF closed down several years ago and was recently resurrected by a group of radio amateurs scientists working for a university data center in Turin and connected to the Associazione Italiana Radioascolto, a hobby organization. Nobody has ever cast one's eyes on their or Italcable's "authorizations" and it's hard to identify a goal in both ventures other than a pure ham spirit hack. I sincerely doubt anything like this could happen outside a country where one cannot even ask for an FM broadcasting license but is forced to buy one from one of the original owners of "concessions" the Italian law has at a certain point allocated to pirates.
In other words, welcome in Italy and suerte for next sunday's match!

13.10.2012 10:56, Hannu Piirainen kirjoitti:
"Piraatti vai ei? JKR",

Ei ole piraatti, vaan privaatti. Ministeriön lupa ja kaikki. Vanha
(1921>) telekommunikaatio ja kaapelointi organisaatio/säätiö/toimija
toi. Nykyinen omistaja TIM (Italialainen teleoperaattori).


13. lokakuuta 2012 10.25 Juha Solasaari <> kirjoitti:
Raportoin Italcablen 4.7.12 ja lähetin raportin kirjeitse nettisivulla
mainittuun postiosoitteeseen. Ei taida olla piraatti kun ilmoittaa
nettisivullaan katuosoitteen Viareggiossa ja QTH-lokaattorin (JN53DV). Tosin
katuosoite on viereisessä ruudussa JN53DU.
QSL-kortissa on Pisan postileima. Viareggio on Pisan lähellä.

"E' attiva la stazione amatoriale e sperimentale della radio trasmittente
sulla frequenza 10MHz."
Ja: "Autorizzati dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico".

73 de JTS

- - - - - - - - - -
JKR:n lokaus:


10000   7.10.   0930-                   I: Italcable. Italiankieltä
taitavalle oiva konsti tarkistaa kellonaika. Kuulutusten väliaikoina
instrumusiikkia ja ID vartin välein. Joku on saanut QSL:n webbisivulla mainitusta osoitteesta. Piraatti vai ei? JKR
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