artikkeli   : 17th edition of the popular ”Broadcasting in Russian”
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Päiväys:  : 30/01/2015  21:21
Kirjoittaja : OH6001SWL
Kategoriat  : yleistä

17th edition of the popular "Broadcasting in Russian" Handbook, edited by the 
St. Petersburg DX Club, has been released. The Handbook features all (or almost 
all) radio stations that transmit programs in Russian language on short and 
medium waves at present. Station listings include frequency and programme 
schedules, transmitter location and power, target areas, postal addresses, 
phone/fax numbers, Web sites, social network pages, e-mail addresses as well as 
QSL policy info. The schedules are generally valid until March 28, 2015 (i.e. 
end of season B15). The Handbook is only distributed as a hard copy. Volume is 
52 pages of A5 size. Please address your purchase requests to: Alexander 
Beryozkin, P.O.Box 463, St. Petersburg, 190000, Russia or by e-mail: ( ) . The price is 5 EUR or 6 USD. 
Electronic payments via Skrill (in EUR)
or PayPal (in USD) are also accepted. Your comments and suggestions regarding 
the Handbook content are always welcome!

Alexander Beryozkin
President, St. Petersburg DX Club

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