Tässä hyvä esimerkki siitä, miten "kansalaisia" halutaan holhota - vaikka
tähän ei ole pakottavaa tarvetta. Viranomaiset haluavat valtaa itselleen ja
sitä saadaan, kun yritetään pikkutarkasti säädellä monia arkipäivän asioita.
Voi toki johtua Saksan oman lainsäädännön tulkinnasta, kansainvälisessä
radio-ohjesäännössä (RR-2012) ei taideta tällaista kieltää. Asia ei ehkä
kuitenkaan ole niin yksinkertainen kuin miltä näyttää - Saksahan on
edelläkävijä DAB- ja DAB+ -lähetyksissä, jotka todella ovat täysin
digitaalisia yleisradiolähetyksiä.


73 de SDXL1398/OH5MD, Ilkka M.

-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
Lähettäjä: DX [mailto:dx-boun...@hard-core-dx.com] Puolesta Kari Kallio
Lähetetty: 1. huhtikuuta 2016 18:03
Vastaanottaja: dx@hard-core-dx.com
Aihe: [DX] VOA Radiogram, program 157, 2-3 April 2016

Hello friends,
New this weekend is the elimination of the digital text modes from shortwave
transmitters in Germany.
The German regulator Bundesnetzagentur has ruled that the digital modes are
not allowed in the broadcast bands. Because of this, there will be no MFSK32
on The Mighty KBC<http://kbcradio.eu> this weekend, because it uses a
transmitter in Nauen, Germany. And, for the time being, there will be no
DigiDX<http://digidx.uk> MFSK broadcasts on Channel 292, 6070 kHz, and Radio
700, 3985 kHz.

Listeners in Germany might want to note these arguments for the digital
modes on the shortwave broadcast bands: 1) It is broadcasting, not
point-to-point communication. 2) It can be received on any shortwave radio,
even inexpensive portables with no SSB capability. (Software is required to
decode the text and images, but this can be included in future shortwave
radios.) 3) DRM is legal on the shortwave broadcast bands, and DRM can
transmit text and images. 4) Text and images via analog radio requires less
spectrum (bandwidth) than DRM. 5) Text and images via analog radio are a
useful new application for underutilized shortwave transmitters and
frequencies. 6) Text and images via analog radio extend the range of a
shortwave transmitter, resulting in accurate content in conditions where
voice transmissions may be unintelligible. 7) Digital modes via shortwave
can be a useful alternative when the Internet is not available due to
disasters or to net censorship by dictators.

VOA Radiogram, program 157, 2-3 April 2016 is all MFSK32 except for the
transmission schedule in Olivia 64-2000 under the closing music:

1:35 Program preview
2:48 Asia at risk for water shortages*
10:25 Seismic risk map now includes quakes caused by humans*
17:05 Latvia blocks Russia's Sputnik website*
22:20 View bald eagles in Washington via Nest Cam*
25:30 Closing announcements*
28:05 Olivia 64-2000: Transmission schedule
* with image

Please send reception reports to radiog...@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.
Twitter: @VOARadiogram

VOA Radiogram transmission schedule
(all days and times UTC):
Sat 0930-1000 5745 kHz
Sat 1600-1630 17580 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz
All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.
Digital modes on The Mighty KBC (via Germany) and DigiDX (via Channel 292,
6070 kHz, and Radio 700, 3985 kHz, both via Germany) will not be available
this weekend for reasons stated above. DigiDX will be available via WRMI,
Florida,Sunday at 2130-2200 UTC on 15770 kHz and 2330-2400 UTC on 11580 kHz.
Thank you for your reception reports to VOA Radiogram last weekend. I am now
compiling the gallery for program 136 (November 2015) and hope to send it to
listeners this weekend.

Kim via KKX
Kim Andrew Elliott
Producer and Presenter
VOA Radiogram

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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