Nothing against Joe and not the app he made, as it works as advertised, but
the process is just a huge pain in the butt! I find a card that shouldn't
have been in the submission after checking 30 cards and checking them in the
list and I have to go back to edit cards and remove that one and enter the
one I want. Guess what? Go back to submit and have to start ALL over again.
Why??? Why not save where I was so I can come back. My total upload is 580+
cards and I am not sending that many in at once. I guess I just check off
what I have. Find the errors. Submit what isn't in error. After submission,
fix that error. Go back and submit some more find more errors submit

Again, this is not Joe's programs fault and, as a human, I make mistakes but
having to start all over from the beginning with a website that takes
minutes to load each page is ridiculous.

OK...Sorry...I had to vent.


Tim Herrick, KQ8M
Charter Member North Coast Contesters

AR-Cluster V6
User Ports: 23, 7373  with local skimmer, 7374 without local skimmer
Server Ports: V6 3607, V4 Active 3605, V4 Passive 3606

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Gary AL9A
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Dxbase] Online DXCC website appears OK now -- Joe's ADI file
maker is now available agn

Being a victim of my own inertia I am still running DXB2006 and thus cannot 
use Joe's ongoing development efforts for 2007 users.  However, I wanted to 
report my success with 2006 in generating a suitable aidf file for 
submission to the Online DXCC Application process

I knew from running Output/Awards/DXCC that I had some Phone cards in the 
log that were not yet included in previous DXCC submissions, both card and 
LOTW.  I did this by running Output/Awards/DXCC Award Submission with the 
following checked:  Phone, QSO Log, Cards only, Exclude Past Submissions, 
Select Marked QSO Records and Select Deleted Countries.  When run this tool 
indicated I had 31 QSO records flagged that met the selection parameters.

I printed the resulting worksheet and dug into my QSL card boxes to find the

cards in question.  In this process I found two cards that should not have 
been selected because they were already confirmed via LOTW and the Select 
fields had not been cleared in DXB as they should have been.  Now to produce

an adif that contained the 29 cards.  I used the Selection Wizard to Output 
an ADIF File based on the following QSO filters:  Mode=Phone, Confirm=Card, 
Select=DXCC.  That produced the file containing the 29 cards I wanted.  I 
then went to the ARRL Online DXCC Application web site and went through the 
process.  When I got to the upload an adif file step it went without a hitch

at all and the resulting DXCC Record Sheet was in the correct order matching

the adif file.  Sure saves a lot of typing and typos!

My only concern with the process is that after printing out the DXCC Record 
Sheet one of the cards, DX0K for Spratly Is., is printed in bold italics. 
None of the others printed this way and it didn't show that way in the 
online record sheet.  Not sure if this indicates a problem for this card or 
not.  I've emailed my local card checker and will set up a drop off of my 
paper work and cards shortly.  Just wanted to let the group know that it is 
possible to upload the card info even if you are running a non-2007 version 
of DXB.

Gary AL9A

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe WA6AXE" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: April 06, 2012 8:36 AM
Subject: [Dxbase] Online DXCC website appears OK now -- Joe's ADI file maker

is now available agn

> ALL DXbase2007 users:
> Now that the ARRL's "Online DXCC" website appears to have been 
> reprogrammed
> so that OUR QSOs will end up in the final Record Sheet - in the exact same

> ORDER that we sent
> it up to the website at the Import ADIF tab ...
> The LINK (direct) is now again open for anyone to download and use the
> 2007dxcconline.exe program (ADI file maker):
> I have been checking the Online DXCC website for a completed UPDATE to the

> routine -- and
> "just" noted that ALL appears WELL now -- Once you IMPORT your adi file - 
> and you go to
> the Enter QSLs TAB -- scrolldown to the bottom and PRESS the
> " View All My QSLs "    (as a PDF document)
> Button and you should NOW see the listing show the correct ORDER of QSOs -

> will match
> what you sent up to the website ..
> I can NOT see the FINAL DXCC RECORD SHEET - as I have not gone thru the 
> full
> submission process -- but, since the  Enter QSLs  tab (webpage) is GOOD 
> NOW -- I would
> sure think that the final sheet is ok too ..
> So - I want to make the   2007dxcconline.exe program available once again 
> .. this is the
> original version -- since my program was OK (from the start) -- just the 
> ARRL's own website
> was causing the problems ... but, now appears GOOD!!!
> Much success to all!!
> 73 Joe wa6axe
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