On 09/24/2013 07:34 AM, Stefan Stattelmann wrote:

I would like to use Dyninst for cross-platform binary analysis, e.g.,
analyzing PowerPC code on a x86 machine. Is this currently supported and
if so, how? From my experiments so far it seems like binaries for a
different CPU architectures are not recognized automatically and thus
cannot be decoded.

Thanks and best regards,


The support for this is limited, but if you're looking for binary analysis and not instrumentation, it shouldn't be too hard to get it working. I believe, as a first approximation, that if you build the analysis components (symtab, instructionapi, parseapi, dataflowapi) with your $PLATFORM set to your target architecture, that should give you components that can analyze cross-architecture binaries (but not native ones). (Note: it is likely that there will be some kinks to work out there; if/when you run into trouble, please let us know.)

Improving this support has long been on our TODO list; the right thing is to get rid of any lingering per-architecture conditional compilation and properly abstract the platform-specific bits into classes (with machinery to auto-detect, as you note). This could happen for 9.0 but almost certainly not for 8.2.

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Bill Williams
Paradyn Project
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