Gold-Age Now Utilizes Real-Time Credit Card Processing from

This will greatly improve our service, as only properly submitted orders
(those which have been approved by the processor) will get through to
us. In the past, over 60% of our daily orders were invalid for one
reason or another (often because of customer input error.) Additionally,
about 50% of the remaining syntactically correct orders were declined by
the credit card processor. Dealing with these problems took several
hours a day and generally disrupted the processing flow for the entire
batch of orders, including the good orders.

So give our New & Improved Credit Card Processing option a try -- you'll
love it!

And don't forget, we now proudly take MasterCard and Visa, in addition
to American Express and Discover.

Thank you for using Gold-Age.

Parker E.C. Bradley
Gold-Age, LLC

P.S.: Our current real-time CC processing arrangement involves two
forms, the first of which is a simple 2 question form. This first form
should also have the following text:

"Submitting this secure form will take you to a secure AuthorizeNet
credit card processing form for real-time processing of your credit card

If you do not see the above text &/or there are more than two questions
on the first form, you have an old version of our credit card order form
in your browser's cache (which will not work). To access the new form
simply click your browser's reload/refresh button and you should be all

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