I miss Evil. <grin> But bought a book anyways.
Had to d/l Netscape 4.75 (the latest) as 4.08 didn't work 
despite my being able to drag the text. Using Win95.
Had to have style sheets turned on too.

Can only buy one at a time. Right JP?

*Finally* there's a way to buy books using metal.
Yah it's more expensive but that won't last.


"The possibility of a discriminatory capital-gains tax on gold
 'profits,' or even of outright confiscation, cannot be wholly
 dismissed. We must remember that in 1933, when private
 citizens began to exercise their clear legal right to convert their
 Federal Reserve notes and gold certificates into gold, President
 Franklin D. Roosevelt suspended the conversion, ordered the
 citizens to exchange their gold for paper money, and made it
 illegal for private citizens to hold or own gold. In other words,
 the government not only broke its solemn and explicit pledge to
 convert its notes into gold on demand, but treated the holder
 (and dupe) who had taken the pledge seriously as the real culprit." 

  - Henry Hazlitt

>From the horse's mouth:

Most money in the world now a days in pure unbacked fiat. An 
exception is some natives in Puerto Rico who walk into town
bare footed with tiny little bags of tiny gold pieces with tiny 
scales, according to somebody I'm currently working with who spent
5 months on a new Enron power house down there.

Hm..  dupes they're not.

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