Oddly enough, IBUC's first paying contract, with CREST, the UK's central
securities depository, is in working out, precisely, what form the eventual
solution to Dr. Greenspan's problem would take.

That solution is, of course, Internet Bearer Transaction Settlement.



--- begin forwarded text

Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 15:45:09 -0500
From: Robert Huddleston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of
Subject: ip: Greenspan Urges Faster Stock Trades By MARTIN CRUTSINGER

09:04 AM ET

Greenspan Urges Faster Stock Trades
AP Economics Writer

           WASHINGTON (AP) _ The securities industry must shorten the time
it takes to complete stock trades because lengthy delays are posing
risks to the financial system, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan
Greenspan said Monday.
           Greenspan said rising volumes of stock trading are ``straining
the capacity'' of brokerages to settle trades in a timely fashion.
           He said ``an increasing number of transactions are failing to
settle as scheduled on the third business day'' after the trade is
           Greenspan said such a lengthy delay between the time an investor
purchases a stock and when all the paperwork is completed for the
transfer increases risks to the nation's financial system,
including the banks that make loans to help finance purchases of
           ``Errors and delays in settling trades imply greater operational
risks,'' Greenspan said in a speech to a financial markets
conference sponsored by the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank.
           Greenspan noted that the Securities Industry Association, a
trade group, has been working to compress the settlement cycle with
the aim of having all trades completed one day after the stock sale
is made rather than the current three-day period.
           The Fed chief, whose agency is a principal regulator of banks,
said that shorter time for the completion of stock sales would
lower the risk of defaults on any one trade.
           During times of market volatility when stock prices are
plunging, the Fed is always worried that large banks may be
vulnerable if investors to whom they have lent money are unable to
come up with more collateral for those loans as stock prices
           In his remarks, Greenspan made no mention of the recent
volatility of the stock market or what the Fed's next move might be
on interest rates.
           The central bank has raised rates six times over the past 16
months in an effort to keep inflation under control. While analysts
had thought the Fed would remain on the sidelines through the rest
of this year, some are beginning to worry that rising inflation
pressures may force the central bank to resume raising rates.
           Greenspan's remarks Monday echoed testimony he gave last April
to the Senate Banking Committee in which he called for a limited
role by government regulators in the rapid changes in stock trading
as a result of computers and the Internet.
           ``Government authorities are poorly suited to picking winners
and losers among competing technologies and market structures,''
Greenspan said. ``Innovations have to be tested by the marketplace
_ ultimately by consumer choice.''
           Change has been sweeping the markets as millions of new
investors and increasing competition from new electronic
communications networks, known as ECNs, have put pressure on the
nation's two biggest exchanges, the New York Stock Exchange and the
Nasdaq Stock Market.
           Greenspan said all the change should be determined by market
forces without government interference.
           ``Policy-makers should resist any temptation to preserve the
franchise values of some institutions by protecting them from
competition from other institutions that are better able to take
advantage of new technologies,'' Greenspan said. ``Equity markets
will inevitably shift capital from the losers to the winners.''

--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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