>Hi Zariah,
>My experience with Parker is that he is trustworthy and efficient.
>I think there may be a misunderstanding or your tranfer got mislaid.
>It happens to all of us.

Wire transfers can go astray!

I send and receive dozens of wire transfers a week for various 
business concerns so I know something about them.

On two occasions Coconut had trouble sending a wire. Once, a bank (IN 
A WAR ZONE) would actually NOT ACCEPT the funds (weird one!) so we 
had to cancel the deal.  Another time, the receiving bank pinched the 
funds and pretended they didn't have them for awhile (not much the 
sending bank can do about that).

In all cases, Coconut offers 'perfect' service (have never not 
responded to an email instantly, have never not sent a wire the same 
day)  coconutgold.com -- the INDEPENDENT exchange! <:

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