Pretty funny from our perspective.

"The concept of online-only banking ought to be put out of its misery. is one more nail in the coffin for the sector as a whole.

"Although consumers might not like waiting in line at a bank's retail
branch, there is still a tremendous amount of trust affiliated with
marble pillars and pens chained down to countertops. That feeling can't
be generated through a Web site.

////notice the word TRUST////

"The one area in which e-banking might stand a chance of survival is
online bill presentment and payment. The convenience factor is
compelling and easy to demonstrate to consumers. And on the business
side of the equation, there is the potential for a recurring revenue
stream. Yet everyone wants a piece of this space, including the U.S.
Postal Service, which is working with CheckFree to offer the service.
The USPS has resources at its disposal to challenge any competing online
bank's offerings."

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