First, a big thank you for noticing the great article on Gold Economy. But
I must point out that the article was written by Douglas Jackson, CEO of
Gold & Silver Reserve. I am sure George likes taking credit for doing the
great writing he does, and shies away from taking credit when other people
do the work.

Second, about the problem with Netscape and Gold Economy. I have now had
our technical people test our site with Netscape. We are having difficulty
in re-creating the problem. With a brand new, newly installed copy of
Netscape we know there are no difficulties in seeing Gold Economy. We have
not been able to reproduce the problem with older versions of Netscape and
we think that perhaps the problem lies where Netscape has been installed
over older versions of Netscape. We would be glad to know about the
problem because we do not see it as a simple problem that it generally
does not work with Netscape.

I look forward to your next visit to The Gold Economy and hope you gain
great insights into the use of gold-based currencies.
Yours sincerely
Dr Elwyn Jenkins
The Gold Economy

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