"viking coder" writes:

> > > I suggest people stop wasting their own time and that of
> > > Omnipay/G&SR and start using the advised procedures if they
> > > are keen to get satisfactory results.
> > 
> > While I would give the same advice--they have been sitting on my
> > $4800 for close to two months now!--as far as wasting OmniPay's
> > time goes, if they were actually concerned about that they could
> > simply up their minimum transaction amount, and/or their fees.
> They did. Again, and again... People just can't seem to get the hint.

What hints?  I'd had good service from G&SR before, and the
transaction in question was way over even the most recent minimums,
which in any case are for in-exchanges rather than out-exchanges.
So why is someone with a $5K transaction necessarily a chump for
dealing in good faith with them?  It seems to me that if you take
someone's money for a service, you'd better either perform the
service or return the money.

> I advise the following to anyone who has a problem with either
> e-gold or OmniPay.  Please make sure that the problem actually
> originated with them.

Of course; in my case, I double-checked with E*Trade, the intended
receiving end of the transfer, and they couldn't figure out what
the problem was.

> I'm not saying that e-gold or OmniPay is infallible, or perfect.
> I'm saying that I believe the companies to be run by honorable,
> knowledgeable people.

That's as may be, but it's neither honorable nor knowledgeable to
charge me $4800 for a wire transfer, and then, for two months and
even after repeated requests, fail either to put the transfer
through or refund my e-gold.  Actually, last week, I did get an
e-mail message saying I'd been given a refund, but it was never
credited to my e-gold account, even after a polite reminder; clearly
someone does not know what they are doing, a manifest failure of
knowledge, and honor as well when the problem is left unresolved.

Howard E. Motteler 

  There's no way of knowing whether the teenage Hillary was on
  that grassy knoll that day in Dallas.   I would have put her
  there in "JFK" if I had thought of it in time.   -- Oliver Stone

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