Well I had fun with my little spoof, and I am glad to say I had very few
takers, and those few were wise enough not to send any real money.

But to a more serious note:  Why does this list cater to such blatant fraud?
Is it the nature of people who invest in Gold and view the capital markets
as overvalued?  Is it just that the "Offshore" and "Gold Backed" world is
prone to wackos???  I am really curious about this as this is my business. 
I don't put together clever webpages or come up with clever programs that
only require a $100.00 deposit to make you RICH RICH RICH.  But I do deal
with serious people who are looking to legally avoid paying too much taxes,
and maybe invest in some potentially lucrative offshore opportunities
whether they be offshore real estate projects or simply the foreign capital
markets.  And I am curious as to why e-gold seems to attract so many wackos
and so few "serious" people.  Am I being unfair?  If so what am I

Don't mean to insult anyone here, but I am just curious.

Alexander J. Hay III
Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
fax: 419-710-4339
For an e-gold funded Debit Card: http://www.glencannongroup.com/genucap/

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