Jeff Fitzmyers wrote:
> "Fears of a US credit squeeze have been growing amid mounting evidence
> that corporations borrowed too much during the recent boom and will have
> trouble paying back their debts....."
> "For their part, banks are facing increasing loan losses. Regulators
> have warned for years that the banks were embracing the loose standards
> of the markets, underwriting loans without sufficient collateral or
> proper repayment terms. Bank of America, the second-largest US banking
> company, has emerged as a particularly worrisome example, saying its
> loan write-offs this quarter would be $1.1bn-$1.2bn."

Gee. That's funny. The banking industry is probably the most tightly
controled industry in the United States. And, the government still
can't keep 'em out of trouble. They've been practicing for decades
/centuries. Dump the boozo regulators (racketeers). Back to free 
banking. Yeaaaaa metal banking. And fire the Fed. They have trouble
organizing a dozen of donuts let alone an economy. All they do is
screw up prices.



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