At 08:31 AM 12/20/2000 -0800, Jeff Fitzmyers wrote:
> > It is just too much accounting work to tolerate.
>I say the accounting is already too screwed up to tolerate. It is flat
>out a 'job security' and 'keep the sheeple too busy to think' joke.
>Supposedly if you give your papers to 10 accountants and you will get
>back about 10 different (widely) varying amounts you 'have' to pay.

As an ex-partner at one of the top 20 CPA firms in the US, I 
can  tell you how a lot of people think when  hiring a good 
accountant.  Interview a couple of firms and ask them all the 
same question, i.e., "How much is one and one?"  Most will answer 
two.  The one who gets up, lowers the shades, closes the door and 
asks "How much do you want it to be?"  that's the one most want to hire.  <g>

Only kidding folks.  Don't try this in your business.


George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
Acct# 120018      Tel: 770-300-3070 Ext 2818
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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