jammer99 de-lurking. Some of  you have managed to violate more than
one rule of this list a day for a while. How 'bout no more quoting entire
messages, and no more fancy-schmancy formatted email that can't be
read by those of us using the digest. Now, re-read and look at yourself.

Archives of the previous incarnation of the e-gold-list are available


If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list, please use the
web interface at:


You might want to unsubscribe some day, so please save this message.  In
fact, its generally a good idea to save any message with the word
"welcome" in the subject for this reason.  A properly directed unsubscribe
request is discreet and silent; however, an unsubscribe request sent to
any mailing list will cause you to appear clueless before a potentially
large number of people.

In the unlikely event you have gotten this far without knowing what e-gold
is please visit:


e-gold list rules:
Any comments, questions, opinions, or advertising (more than twice a year
would be excessive) related to e-gold are fair game on this list. 
However, please follow these rules when posting:

1.  Plain text format only:

* People tend to find HTML format e-mail (especially on mailing lists)
annoying for various reasons, including its comparative bulkiness, its
comparative slowness, and the display of formatting commands in mail
programs that are not capable of handling this format.

* However, the main reason to stick to plain text is to keep the digest
version of the e-gold list readable.  The digest is plain text only;
therefore, recipients see HTML formatting commands rather than the
result you intended whether or not their mail programs are capable of
handling HTML.  This is distracting and makes your posts less readable
than if they were originally posted in plain text format.

2.  No e-mail attachments.  Instead post files of interest at your
website or a publicly accessible FTP site and provide a URL in your

* There is the strong likelihood that some (in some cases most)
subscribers will not have the software necessary to view your attachment
as you intended.

* Again, the main reason to avoid attachments is to keep the digest
version of e-gold list readable.  The digest is plain text only;
therefore, recipients will see hundreds of lines of gibberish rather
than the result you intended.  Hundreds of lines of gibberish cause
issues of the digest to be published with very little meaningful

3.  Cite only those portion of previous posts pertinent to the points
you wish to make or the questions you wish to ask.  If it's not worth
your time to make this effort, then don't post.

4.  Off-topic commercial posts are Spam.  Spam is anathema on the e-gold
list.  Spammers will be unsubscribed without notice.

5. Before posting, ask yourself: "Is my post likely to be of interest or
value to a broad range of people from  around the world who are
interested in the topic of e-gold?"  If in doubt, please don't post.

To illustrate:

Good post topics:

* e-gold related business ideas

* Announcing that your business accepts e-gold (more than once a year
would be too often)

* schemes to get large well known businesses to accept e-gold

* Questions about using e-gold that you still have after *thoroughly*
perusing the e-gold website, especially the FAQ.

* Suggestions for the e-gold folks after you are confident that you are
sufficiently clueful to offer an opinion ("lurk" awhile on any list you

* e-gold items in the news (yea!)

* announcements from e-gold

Bad post topics:

* Anything not related to the topic of e-gold.  I'll cut you a little
slack here, just don't hang yourself with it ;)

* Religious stuff.  Nothing against whatever your religion is, but this
is not the place for it.

* Political stuff.  It could be argued that the very concept of e-gold
is of a libertarian bent, but that is not license to use this list to
get people to write their senators or whatever, no matter how important
you think the cause is.

* Nobody wants their mailbox flooded with stuff like:  "Yeah, me to" or

* Don't post replies to the list that would be better to send off list.
Use your *best* judgement.  When in doubt, reply to the individual and
not the list, especially if traffic is heavy.

One last thing.  View this more as a gentle suggestion, rather than a


If you are a seasoned old web maven, please forgive the bossiness.  If
you are not, listen up, or somebody else will undoubtedly tell you again
without being so charming about it :)

Send your posts to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you have trouble or questions, send e-mail to:


Thank you for participating.

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