I have been told that e-gold has been doing
micropayments since the beginning.
What is the big deal with Standard Reserve "
implementing" this?

I have some Pokemon Cards and old National Geographic
I think I am just going to post what I have to sell on
this list.
I have some dirty laundry that needs to be washed. 
Would you prefer Standard Reserve or e-gold in payment
to do it for me? 

Should we change the name of this list to Standard
e-gold bay?

--- George Matyjewicz
> At 06:07 AM 12/24/2000 -0800, Jeff Fitzmyers wrote:
> >"Website losing money? Easily get your customers to
> pay for your content
> >by enabling micropayments."
> >
> >Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox, December 24, 2000:
> >The Web in 2001: Paying Customers
> >http://www.useit.com/alertbox/20001224.html
> I knew Jakob had some good points ;-). 
> MicroPayments are one of 
> the major features that we will be implementing at
> Standard 
> Reserve.  Stay tuned.
> George
> ______________________________________
> George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
> Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
> Acct# 120018      Tel: 770-300-3070 Ext 2818
> World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web
> http://www.standardreserve.com
> ---
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Dagny Taggart

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