Re: another way for Standard Reserve "e-gold "to market itself...

I use e-gold, but still find it, after a year, a most expensive alternative.
Now SR is talking about a minimum of over 3% to have $5,000!

They give the example of moving monies from one country to another.  After
their cost and the money makers piece of the action, it still runs 5-10% to
move money.

Believe me, I HATE fiat currencies and what they represent as a way of
stealing value from each and every person.

But, the addiction of the existing banking system and moving monies can't be

For example, I can have any bank account with a debit card and move monies
quickly and easily by having a card for me and my relative from the same
account.  It cost next to nothing to take money out!

If I do this with an off shore bank and credit card, one issued to me  and
another to a relative, voila!  If I am concerned with the access, I have one
account in their name and one in mine!

This saves me the 5-10 percent SR or e-gold or money maker charges.  Why or
why are they so expensive for a 'round-trip from one end of a transaction to
the other?!

Until the transaction cost drops into the very low percentage arena, this is
a doomed competitor for moving monies.

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