Many thanks to those who encourage, offered alternatives, and
even to the one that said that I may have been to quick to "jump to
conclusions;" for he was the closest to the mark.

Seems both vendors received the checks, and managed to create
a mystery as to who they were from and what they were for, inspite 
of enough info in the memo field to identify who, why and what.

When called, both vendors said they had not received the checks even
though a good description was given of the checks.

Add to this frustration, not being able to contact Omni-Pay to get
some answers, what was left was jumping to conclusions. Even 
though I has some help, they were still my conclusions and my leap.

They did what was asked of them, did it well, and did it in a timely 

So, with that in mind, I do apologize to Omni-Pay for the blast they have
received from me here and on their voice mail.



To date, I have two checks ordered to vendors that have not arrived 
after 10 days.

I have called Omni-Pay several times, and there is always "no one 
available" to take my call, and the message space on their voice 
mail is too short to describe the problem without having them call 
to query me about my problem, thus adding to the time for resolution, 
a delaying tactic I suppose.

This is my first experience with a service failure from Omni-Pay. Given 
that I other checks in the pipeline with Omni-Pay it may very well be 
my last. 

The primary purpose in using both E-gold and Omni-Pay is their 
"count-on-ability" which Omni-Pay no longer has with me.

There is no indication that my account has been frozen, nor any 
indication of any other problem with the account, only a failure to 
keep their service agreement.


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