I just logged into my egroups page for that group and this is what it says is the address to subscribe to:
This is the opposite order I had it on the list and in my newsletter template.  I am certian that when I set up the template, I cut and pasted this address directly form egroups so as not to make an error, but maybe they changed it since merging with Yahoo.  I dont' know.  Either way, the correct information is above.
Our Offshore Website has been totally redesigned, and
we now have web based banking, opening of accounts,
deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Destiny Worldwide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, December 29, 2000 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: [e-gold-list] Comments on egold sale

I understand what you say.
I clicked your link to subscribe but e-groups sent it back as a:
Your message was sent to a group that does not exist.  Please check
to make sure you spelled the group name correctly
I would like to subscribe however.
I have been watching SR ... I notice the words  fractional.....  and loans now creeping in.
Interesting huh!
Kind regards,
Michael Moore
Sign up with e-gold today and get grams of e-gold here.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2000 6:38 AM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Comments on egold sale

WE have noted the comments about our egold sale and want to add our 2 cents worth.
1.  WE did some checking on our customer and do not believe that they are involved in anything illegal.
2. we do not believe in the current know your customer rules and support the old fashioned values of financial privacy.  this means that our client's financial affairs are NONE OF OUR BUSINESS, unless it becomes obvious that they are invovled in fraud or something dishonest, in which case their accounts will be closed immediately.
3.  WE strongly agree that someone is innocent until proven guilty.
It is obvious that BB has brainwashed most of society into accepting its bullshit.  Unlike Standard REserve, we don't want to know who our customers are.  This crap started a few years ago,a nd unless people start putting their foot down  and say YOU MAY NOT INVADE MY PRIVACY, we will soon not have any privacy left. 
If you want to receive articles every week on these issues, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter Offshore Destiny.  OUr vision of the future is really a return to the past, where there was trust between banker and customers, and privacy in financial matters.  Eventaully, even mainstream so called businesses will catch on to this concept, and when enough people tell the government NO, there will be nothing they can do but comply with our wishes.  Use encrypted email.  Get yoruself out of the onshore banking system, and live free.  Don't sell yourself back into slavery.
To subscribe to this ezine, send your subscription
request to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
As a final comment, I will not sit silently any longer and let ourselves be insulted with little insinuations and digs.  ONe party on this list who was promoting his product recently said that he doesn't offer totally anonymous debit cards because he "doesnt' believe in them and is skeptical about them."  He then insinuated that the only people who would use this were criminals.  What a bunch of horseshit!  Since when is someone who simply doesn't want the government's or anyone else's nose in their busuiness automatically a criminal?  How far have we fallen from the values of personal privacy to even allow ourselves to entertain such ludicrous and imbicilic notions?  I guess it's the work of the government run youth propaganda camps, otherwise known as the public schools that have implanted such drivel into our minds. 
I am dedicated to fighting for privacy and freedom in anyway that I can and in giving people the tools to give the finger to BB should they choose.  We have those tools now, and we will explain to people exaclty how to use them to their full advantage on a new page on our website coming soon.
Folks, whether you are aware of it or not, we are in a WAR -- THE WAR AGAINST BB!  In order to win this war, we must do something EACH AND EVERY DAY to enhance not only our own freedom, but to widen the circle of freedom wider and to educate people about this problem.  Government is never the solution to a problem, IT ALWAYS IS THE PROBLEM!
Who starts all the wars for personal gain  and spills innocent blood worldwide for petty reasons of greed, ego, and vanity?  Who murders millions upon millions of people?  Who tries to control your live every way they can?  Who wants to put a microscope up your ass and a microchip in your hand to monitor [literally] every move you make?  This is the future, folks, unless we put a stop to it now!
Putting your money and other assets beyond the reach of BB is one of the biggest strikes for freedom you can make.  My suggestion to everyone is that they get rid of all tangible assets in the power of BB, and then transfer the liquid assets that result down some rat hole so deep that BB will never find it.  If enough of us do this, and if enough of us stop  aiding and abetting the thief who steals in the name of taxes [ALL TAXATION IS THEFT, AND IMMORAL], BB will run out of gas and simply wither away. 
The government's so called "war on drugs" is really a WAR ON YOU AND YOUR FREEDOM!  wAke up to this today, and declare a private war of your own -- A WAR ON BB!  Do it today, for your sake, and the sake of your children, because if you don't take  a stand RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW, there may be no tomorrow, unless you are willing to DIE for your freedom.  Right now you don't have to die, you just have to vote with your money and your feet.  Tomorrow may be a different story.
Sorry for this rant, but I am fed up with the snide remarks that have been directed towards us and our stand for privacy.
So, should you give SR your SSN or other government issued piece of crap?  NO WAY!
Our Offshore Website has been totally redesigned, and
we now have web based banking, opening of accounts,
deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com
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