I received this post website address from a list that I subscribe to. 

Following is the information that was on it.  Now if this is not the classic ponzi 
scheme then I don't know what is.  

I did some quick math(and I may be wrong)but if you multiply $10 x the 15625 you must 
get you get $156,250 minus the $19530 leaves the promoter with $136,720.  Not bad huh 
How many with go for this and then complain wonder what happened.  As you can see they 
are using the e-gold system for the payments.  Anyone know anything about this deal?
B Pate

Following SIX4YOU, System will push you going through the all SIX levels automatically 
and then make at least $19,530 for you.

What you should do is to pay $10 to join the System and introduce 5 people to SIX4YOU.

How SIX4YOU works? Well, There are six levels in the System. Each participant needs to 
introduce 5 people to the system. When you introduce at least 5 people to the system, 
we will pay you $5. This is the first level. Once you finish the first level, what you 
need to do is just let the system make at least $19,525 for you. The 5 people you 
sponsor will also introduce 5 people to this system, this is the second level, and 
will reach least 5¥5=25 people. When there are at least 25 people in your second 
level, we will pay you $25. Then when your Third level reach to 5¥5¥5=125 people, we 
will pay you $125. When your Forth level reach to 5¥5¥5¥5=625 people, we will pay you 
$625. When your Fifth level reach to 5¥5¥5¥5¥5=3125 people, we will pay you $3125. 
When your Sixth level reach to 5¥5¥5¥5¥5¥5=15,625 people, we will pay you $15,625. So, 
How much will you be paid?

*       When 1st level reaches to 5 people, you will get $5.
*       When 2nd level reaches to 25 people, you will get $25.
*       When 3rd level reaches to 125 people, you will get $125.
*       When 4th level reaches to 625 people, you will get $625.
*       When 5th level reaches to 3125 people, you will get $3125.
*       When 6th level reaches to 15,625 people, you will get $15,625.
*       So, the total you make amounts to 5+25+125+625+3125+15,625= $19,530, and you 
invested just $10.
*       If you introduce more than 5 people or there are more than the least number of 
people in each level, you will get more than the money show in above list. Each 
additional people equal to $1.

You can see your downline state in the following site.
64U Viewer
When you finish all of 6 levels, you can join once again. There is no limit for how 
many times you join SIX4YOU. You can also rejoin SIX4YOU when you are not finish the 
System, but you must pay $10 for each sign-up.
Ask our staff if you have any question

How do you get your payments? All payments transact with e-gold. If you have no e-gold 
account, go to the following site to get one. It’s free for sign up.

Get an e-gold account

You also need to pay $10 by e-gold to join SIX4YOU, so you must fund you e-gold 
account if there is no money in your account.

How can you fund your e-gold account? There are two ways!

1.The first and most cost effective way is to receive payment in e-gold from another 
account holder. It takes only a few seconds for transactions to clear and settle this 

2. The second way is to exchange your national currency for e-gold using the services 
of an independent exchange market maker.
Play for fun or for Real, Win Gold

You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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