B Ray wrote:

> I am somewhat puzzled by the promotion of a CC by some who are stauch supporters of 
>e-gold, an asset back by a real commodity as a means of exchange.  Is not, as stated 
>in an earlier post a credit card just another way of creating money out of thin air 
>by using the debt concept?  How will we win the war if we detour off our objective by 
> promoting something that has and does cause so much grief to MM and others?

I concur. Maybe the lure of dollars overshadows other concerns? Was it Kruschev (sp?) 
who said circa 1947 communism would be implemented in America by Americans through 
their love of money? And it would be the grandchildren of those he spoke to that would 
willing raise the socialist flag in America?

The 5th plank of the Communist Manifesto:

 5. "Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank 
with state capital and an exclusive monopoly."

More comments on the Communist Manifesto can be seen here:


The world Communist movement has posted their ostentatious intents here:


By the way the "State" is most likely the privately controlled "United States of 
America", a subset or "agency" of the original government called "United States". You 
can read about this incredible fraud here:


If one promotes or encourages credit are they promoting communism? America was founded 
in part on the principle of property ("rights" are property). Communism does not 
recognize property (property includes your "rights"). Credit is not based on property 
but upon commerical contracts. Hard asset based currencies are about property 
including the right to own and control property. Does this indicate there is a
conflict looming on the horizon? Or are we in it already?

Dale Pond
Delta Spectrum Research
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Sacred Science - Sacred Life
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