> means but GS&R has changed their definition by refusing to
> allow bailment.

I don't care about this in the sense I can send, I believe, metal to
Goldfinger and they will give me e-gold. (I certainly get excellent
metal from Goldfinger :) I think it is fine to restrict bailment of
stuff the vault can't accept. 

>>> Ah...  plus inexchange fee.  Since they are now a monopoly supplier
they can set the inexchange fee or the price of e-gold as high as they
want. .... Without bailment there is no longer .... The premium (price
of e-gold related to gold) is not determined by efficient market forces.<<<

I do care about this because it reduces competition and lowers the
flexibility of  exchange providers. If a third party can get 400 oz bars
to be accepted by the vault, why not let them? Just have a contract that
says the third party is directly responsible to the vault for all fees.

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