>It is against their policy to close accounts without cause relating to a
>security breech. They will, however, close the account to new deposits, if
>they suspect that the account holder is engaging in fraudulent activity in
>an anonymous account.
Wow, this really smells. How the hell do they know a person
is engaging in "fraudulent activity" and what evidence would they
have to present to the owner of the account that it has been closed down?
And do they have a policy of closing down an account based on
just suspicion? And do they close down an account without due
process or notification so that one morning you go to access your 
account and you find "ACCESS FORBIDDEN" written across the 
computer monitor. I had this unfortunate experience with Hotmail -
went in to check my e-mail and  "ACCESS FORBIDDEN" is screaming
at me in block red letters. That's it - no explanation except the usual
doublespeak and ABSOLUTELY no recourse, So, screw MS and all they stand for - 
just another proxy for BB. (And their OS is a POC - antiquated, byzantine and
just plain cumbersome).
I opened an e-gold account because what I do
with my e-gold is nobody else's business and I certainly do not
want e-gold acting as a proxy for UCCA (United Criminal Cartel of
America alias the Feds).
As for the so-called alleged hackers that I referred to, this is what they did-
wrote a program for a particular e-gold account they wanted to rob and this
program sat, so to speak, at the account's doorway, while it feverishly spat out 
generated password combinations which took a few minutes to generate,
tried the password, and if it didn't gain access, immediately started generating 
another one. This meant that the owner of the account simply could not access
their account.
And e-gold is off for the week-end ( a long week-end, I might add) and there
is absolutely NO-ONE to talk to - this is unacceptable for a business such as
Kaare Bursell

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