I do not know to whom you may be aplogising but I would like it on record that I have always found you to be a very professional business person.
The term 'hot headed' is the last one that comes to mind when I think of Eric Gaither.  The words, calm, collected, efficient, trustworthy and professional spring to mind.
I would have no hesitation in recommending you to my most valuable client if the need arose.
Come on Eric,  do not let your focus be detracted by one person  (whoever it may be).
I gaurantee that with the quantity of people you are dealing with you are definitely going to find someone who is not satisfied.  It is nothing to do with the quality of your service.
I work during the day in the complaints arena of a large company and process about 50 to 100 complaints a day  and can tell you (or anyone else for that matter)  that  80% of ALL complaints come from 20% of complainers and those complaints are almost always non genuine. I can tell you this is quite correct.  those 20% of complainers consistantly complain to more than one company or person  and their life generally is one long big complain!
Focus on your goal,  not on the obstacles placed in front of you.  If you focus on the obstacles  you will accumulate more obstacles.
Focus on your goals,  they are what you want.
Kind regards,
Michael Moore
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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 4:16 AM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Public Apology

    My name is Eric Gaither, President of Gaithman's Gold Exchange, Inc. one of the many recognized Market Makers of e-gold and Agents of Standard Reserve.  Due to information presented to me in various recent e-mails with an individual (who, for privacy reasons, shall remain nameless), I would like to take this chance to make a public apology.  First, so as not to offend those who cherish e-gold only related material on this type of list, I would like to justify the use of this medium for this discussion as my company provides e-gold related goods and services and deals with/has dealt with a large portion of the readers of this list.
    It has been brought to my attention by an individual that my behavior is "immature" and "snotty" and even my temper is rather "hot-headed".  I have been informed I hold the title of being the most "hot-headed" Market Maker to employees of a particular company.  If this is true, I feel I owe each of you a sincere apology. I believe this to be the opinion of one individual in particular who lacks professionalism, but, I could be wrong.  The Internet is a vast expanse.
    It is/has been my goal to run a Market Maker service that exudes professionalism, efficiency, and upholds the highest standards of Customer Service.  The fees charged by my company are compensation we fill warranted for the service we provide. It is our policy to waive said commissions any time a client feels we have provided less than our signature Exceptional Customer Service. We strive to answer phone calls, e-mails, and faxes. Communication with clients SHOULD be a priority in a companies administration.  I also believe professionalism to be a trait that should not be compromised, especially when handling clients' financial affairs.
    Therefore, I would like to offer a sincere Public Apology to anyone/everyone I may have offended in the Gold Economy *if* this has been the case and I have in fact offened someone/anyone.  If I have offended you in some manner, please feel free to step forward and mention the scenario.  I believe un-professionalism has no place in a public forum, most especially in business/financial affairs.  If you have been offended, insulted, harassed, or belittled by myself, or ANY member of my staff, I encourage you to step forward. I believe in putting my "gold" where my mouth is (so to speak!) and will offer to spend you a gram of gold (either e-gold or Standard Reserve gold your choice!) for any situation in which I have acted less than mature or professional.  This will allow the e-gold discussion list to be informed of such incidents and allow potential clients the opportunity to have an "informed" opinion of my company before doing business with us and seek alternative services.  I would encourage you to mention the details so that anyone interested will be able to avoid any such situation from being repeated.  If you found another Market Maker to correct the situation, please recommend them to this list.
    The e-gold discussion list is a great place to learn about the companies involved in buying/selling e-gold.  It is here that you should be able to find out who you can trust, who you can receive *quality* service from, and those companies you should avoid.  Discussing the benefits of e-gold and the companies who buy/sell/accept e-gold should help to enforce what Darwin professed many years ago: survival of the fittest.  Those companies that provide quality service at reasonable prices will move forward.  Those who do not, should not.  I strongly believe my own company should be held accountable to the same standard, hence my offer and public apology.
    Step forward.  Be heard.  Discuss your e-gold related opinions about the Market Makers who serve you and charge a commission for your e-metal transactions.  It is because of your needs that we profit and survive, not the reverse.  An *informed* e-gold user is a profitable e-gold user.  Inform each other of scams, hack sites, and virus filled e-mails.  Inform each other as to where to get the quality service and reasonable prices you crave and deserve.  At the same time, warn each other of "hot headed" and "immature" individuals or companies that may be risky to deal with in financial transactions.
    I have been trying to remember anyone I may have failed to provide Exceptional Customer Service to.  I have been attempting to recall any particular situation where my behavior has been "hot headed" or "immature".  Interestingly, I am drawing a blank.  But, I am confident if this HAS in fact happened (I do not think it has) it will be brought to light quickly.  If this happened to be you, I offer you my sincere apology and encourage you to supply me with your e-gold or Standard Reserve account number so I may compensate you for such offenses. My guess is that the same person who made the accusations would be the only one to step forward, but again, I could be wrong.  I may unknowingly be an "equal opportunity offender."
    Together we can (and should) strive to make the Gold Economy a place where professionalism and *quality* service are the standards. Seek out and demand quality services for your transactions.  When you find it and receive it, share the information. The fees you pay for these services (good or bad) are what allows a company to stay in business. Make your money work in your favor by promoting the companies who provide you with what you want/need and edging out those who fail.
    Let the discussions begin!
Eric Gaither, President
Gaithman's Gold Exchange, Inc.
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