Reid Jackson wrote:

>No scam rule as of yet.  I will say that the first 3 posts of new
>subscribers are moderated and if they are shilling an "opportunity", their
>free expression is generally nipped in the bud.

What's the difference between shilling in the first 3 posts and shilling in 
later posts?

I am involved in some programs that I'd like to promote here but have 
avoided doing so because I have been lurking on this list and have not 
established my reputation yet.

>36 of D on the e-gold forum at can also be pretty
>entertaining from time to time, plus I hear she's quite a looker...

I don't mean to be a stick in the mud but you posted something a few weeks 
ago with excessive sexual overtones (you talked about doing what comes 
naturally and shooting your whole wad) and now you promote obvious reference 
to this woman's breasts.

If she wants to call herself 36 of D that is her business but as the voice 
of e-gold you should avoid reinforcing this sophomoric image.  I wonder how 
much business you scare away with the combination of tolerating scams on 
your list and locker room sales copy.

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