I can honestly say I can't wait until Gold Barter launches!!!!!  :)


(Should we send contest entries to the list or to you, Tristan?)

>This contest was originally intended only for beta-testers of the
>GoldBarter.com system. However, the contest is being extended to anyone
>who wishes to participate.
>Dear e-gold users, and other free-market types: I have an opportunity for
>you to win some free gold! Specifically, 2.5g of that metal we all love -
>Gold! - is available to the individual who emails to us the best new idea
>for an auction system. Is there something you wish eBay would offer that
>they currently don't, or just plain something done better? Or is there
>something new you would like to see on an auction system? Think of
>anything! The rules are simple: entries will be based solely at the
>discretion of Gold Barter Holdings on originality and merit.
>1) Visit GoldBarter.com, and view the prototype system. Then, think of
>something totally new and cool!
>2) All entries must be received before February 10th.
>3) Send as many entires as you want. However, only one entry will be
>selected as the winning entry.
>4) Be original and creative! Anything goes.
>We will announce the winner on February 11th on the e-gold list and will
>also email the winner.
>Thanks for your patience in waiting for GoldBarter.com to launch!
>Tristan Petersen
>Gold Barter Holdings

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