The Gold Economy is seeking writers who would like to write a one-off
article, or write a regular column. Reciprocal links from your article to
your site is popssible.

Topics I am looking for include:

Models of selling music on the Internet
Gambling v's scamming - is there a difference?
How ponzi schemes work
Fraud on the Internet
The Spread of the Internet in your country (how many people using the
Internet, what for, and likelihood of using gold as payment.)
What are you teaching your kids about money?
The politics of money
How does your religion view money (we have had a Christian-Protestant
view, what about a Jewish view, Islaam, Orthodox, Catholic etc.)
Fitness on the Internet - what can I get?

and many others . . .
you name the topic and we will look at it.

We will provide reciprocal links, and even in some cases pay Standard Gold
in return for continued services.

Please forward all ideas to my personal e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks. And do think about writing an article. The Gold Economy needs your
perspective - especially articles from around the world.

Dr Elwyn Jenkins
The Gold Economy

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