At 09:41 AM 2/1/2001 +0800, Chandra wrote:
> > Albert schreef:
> > GPE does not exept Master Card (Dutch, ABN/AMRO). So, to me, their service
> > not so great.
>What they handle (Visa), they handle well.
>What they don't handle, is opportunity for other market makers.

Brilliant statement!  Everybody should think like that.

Out of curiosity, in your opinion, what would  be the best method 
of funding accounts?   Let's assume somebody wanted to develop 
the ultimate funding system, what would work?

When Standard Reserve was in it's embryo stage, we discussed the 
issues with the gold economy, and all agreed it was getting money 
out of the system.  So we implemented a debit card (being 
delivered next week).  Now, as we are into the gold economy, I 
have found two other issues that are as important - merchants to 
accept gold and easier, more secure  and less expensive methods 
of funding.  We are working on the first, and I have made the 
second my personal challenge this year.

The existing funding methods work well for the 160,000 or so 
members of the gold economy - those who know it, and  can 
tolerate it.  But it won't grow and become a major force in the 
world.  What about the kzillion others out there?  How do we 
convert them to gold?  The present concept - open an account, go 
to an agent or market maker and fund your account, wait days 
until your funds clear, and pay high fees for this privilege - 
seems contrary to doing business.  Or am I guilty of thinking 
like a typical US-centric person (at least  this time I can't be 
accused of coming from NYC <g>).

What are your thoughts?  Think outside the box.  We are talking 
about the ultimate system.

George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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